Taking care of dry skin during the winter

Mahia Afrin | Published: November 14, 2022 16:13:28

Taking care of dry skin during the winter

Dry skin during winter happens when the skin does not get enough moisture or oils it needs due to environmental factors such as cold weather or dry air. 

Dry skin might look red, scaly, itchy, or even painful. It can worsen if you have eczema, diabetes, and dehydration from within. 

For a person with dry skin skipping moisturiser is one of the biggest mistakes. Since winters make your skin extra dry, all the products you apply must be thick, hydrating, and moisturising to prevent your skin from being flaky. 

Ways to keep skin hydrated: 

According to Dr Sushma Yadav, Dermatologist, Founder of Skinology Centre in Bangalore, India, "To keep your skin hydrated during winter, use a gentle creamy cleanser instead of foamy ones, and immediately apply quality hydrating serums and layer it with a thick and creamy moisturiser or a dermatologist-prescribed ointment. Lastly, wear a gel-based sunscreen."

To maintain the moisture level of your skin, you must avoid extremely hot showers and apply moisturiser or facial ointment immediately after showering when the skin is still moist. You may also use a humidifier to maintain the moisture level of your skin.

Foods to avoid dryness

"Firstly, drink lots of water. If you are an adult, drink eight to ten glasses of water daily. Try your hands on sweet potatoes with skin, kiwi fruits, soy or almond milk, green tea, and cod liver oil tablets. Also, foods you must avoid are anything that's very sugary or having a diet high in fats. Alcohol and smoking also dehydrate the skin, so avoid that as much as possible," Dr Sushma said. 

Safe ingredients to use this season

Dry skin needs more hydration and moisturisation. Ingredients like Hyaluronic acid and glycerin in skincare can provide a good boost of hydration to the skin. Additionally, ceramides and peptides-based moisturisers, or simply mixing some olive oil with your basic moisturiser, can help keep your skin moisturised and glowing throughout the season.

"Although ingredients and products play a vital role in keeping your skin healthy and in great shape, you must also adopt some lifestyle changes. Take care of your diet, along with applying all the potions! Drink sufficient water and juices in a day and eat fruits rich in water content to hydrate yourself from within," Dr Sushma explained. 

Dry skin during this season is normal and not a disease mostly. However, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist if you face extreme dryness, itchiness or other complexities. 


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