The Financial Express

Sri Lankan minister admits existence of 'baby farms' for adoption trade

| Updated: October 24, 2017 09:36:34

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Sri Lankan authorities have admitted in a Dutch documentary that thousands of babies born there were fraudulently sold for adoption abroad in the 1980s.


Up to 11,000 children may have been sold to European families, with both parties being given fake documents.


Some were reportedly born into "baby farms" that sold children to the West, reports BBC.


Sri Lanka's health minister told the Dutch current affairs programme Zembla he would set up a DNA database to help children find their birth mothers.


About 4,000 children are thought to be have ended up with families in the Netherlands, with others going to other European countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Germany and the UK.


One adoptee called Rowan van Veelen, told the BBC earlier this year that he had travelled back to Sri Lanka to try to find his birth mother 27 years on.


He was part of a Netherlands-based social media network that tried to match Sri Lankan birth mothers to their estranged adopted children.


"The adopted children and the mothers got the wrong information, which makes it really hard," he explained.


"We want to make a DNA bank with all adopted children from [the] Netherlands who can search if we have siblings there. Then we could ask other countries like Sweden, Denmark and Germany to give their DNA also in the bank too," he said.


Some new mothers at a hospital in Matugama, western Sri Lanka, were reportedly told their children had died, when they were actually sold abroad for adoption.


One woman told the documentary makers she was paid 2,000 rupees (£23; $30) by someone connected to the hospital to act as a baby's mother.


Another woman confessed to have accepted money to claim she was the mother of a girl. She said she did it as she was desperate for cash.


Sri Lanka temporarily banned intra-country adoptions in 1987 when one "baby farm" was raided, and 20 newborns were found inside.

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