The Financial Express

Rinsing with moonlight, showering your soul

Rinsing with moonlight, showering your soul

“Thirst drove me down to the water where I drank the moon’s reflection.”- Rumi

Moon is perhaps the most used object for poets to write poetry one, for novelists to compare the heroine with, for lovebirds to shower in love with.

The moon has been a colossal wonder and a thing to ponder since the beginning of time. People of different ages and professions perceive it differently. It is merely a distant toy to kids, a feminine object to poets, a heavenly body to astrologers, and a true companion to night owls.

The moon is the perfect example of a loyal friend. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. The moon understands what it means to be human. It is a constant but then again it's ever-changing.

Regular exposure to moonlight also offers health benefits, especially for women, such as regulating the menstrual cycle. As per Ayurveda, spending significant time under moonlight cures diseases such as hypertension, hives, rashes, urticaria, and other inflammatory conditions. It is also considered beneficial for spiritual awakening, and the realisation of one’s primal self.

“Moon is my ultimate solitude. I am grateful that I have a nice rooftop from where I can enjoy the moonlight every time I am down or caught up in life. It never fails to heal me,” shares Arif Mahiyan, an intern of Marico Bangladesh and a mesmerised fan of the moon’s beauty.

Arif continues to talk about his surreal times in the sea beach with music and beach combined- “Chilling in a beach under the full moon is a heavenly thing. I try to make sure to have it at least twice a year.”

Moon is the God of many faces. From harvest moon to blood moon, from crescent to quarter to full, the moon remains a familiar presence in the sky. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light.

Every time you look at the moon, it captivates you with a mired beauty. Its scars comfort your scars. There is an innate understanding between the moon and human beings. It always shines on one’s totality through its bruises. The relatability is soothing and comforting.

Along with the serene side, the moon has a feral guise as well. The moon has often been viewed as a symbol of wild, uncontrollable forces; men turning into werewolves on a full moon, for instance. The moon was also thought to influence human behaviour and psychology, hence, the terms ‘lunacy’ and ‘lunatic’, derived from the Latin luna- ‘moon.’

Tazwar Abrar Rijon, a contemporary poet and a final year student of Geography and Environment at the University of Dhaka, is no exception when it comes to the moon’s influence on his writings.

“The fascinating thing about the moon is, it can indulge you into both melancholy and euphoria. The best thing about studying at the University of Dhaka is I get to enjoy the serenity of moonlight sitting at the Curzon Hall pond-side whenever I wish. It sets my mood instantly.”

“I have written so many poems about it but it never feels enough. The moon is less an object and more a person to me now,” said Tazwar in a tone that will make anyone cherish to sit on the Curzon Hall pond-side at least once in life.

According to him, the moon is the perfect metaphor for human life. Perfect and tempting from the distance, flawed and off-putting from the near.

Being under moonlight might have countless medical and spiritual effects, but in the truest sense, the best thing about the moon (with or without light) is companionship.

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to. Probably this is why Bruno Mars has sung-

“Talking to the moon,
Trying to get to you.
In hopes you're on the other side
talking to me, too.”


Kaniz Fatema is a 4th-year student of Geography & Environment at the University of Dhaka


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