opens doors to freelance writers

FE Online Desk | Published: March 15, 2018 13:18:54 | Updated: March 17, 2018 12:21:18 opens doors to freelance writers has created a new platform for all the creative Bengali writers by launching an initiative titled ‘Write and Earn’, recently.

Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury, media advisor to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, inaugurated the platform on Monday at Dhaka Club.

Mr. Chowdhury started the Write and Earn platform in a get together of the Priyo. The internet portal arranged the programme for media celebrities and journalist to celebrate the new service.

The company has created the unique version of writer’s platform for all the writers around the world, offering a chance to build the talented youth in Priyo’s digital platform, according to a statement.

Anybody around the world now can post his/her creative Bengali writing in Priyo’s website. They can even take advantage of this powerful platform by earning money based on their article’s view count.

Mr. Chowdhury said, “It’s a great news for the writers, as they will be paid a handsome amount for writing in online.” He congratulated and welcomed Priyo for this new innovation.

Zakaria Swapan, CEO of said, “Till now it was prevalent for the authors to receive a certain amount by writing articles in newspapers and online. We are pioneer to bring such change in the society and giving a platform to the writers to showcase their creativity and earn money based on the hit count of the article.”

Chairman of AG group Md. Shohidul Ahsan, Actor Faruk, Actor Ahmed Rubel, Prof. Dr. Sajjad Hossain, Dept. of CSE, ULAB, Reciter Ahkam Ullah, Film Director Nurul Alam Atik, Actor Arefin Shuvo, Nirob and Actress Sohana Saba, were also present in this ceremony.

According to the officials, anybody can submit articles and earn form the Priyo.

The writer has to go to and click on the services button and choose writer. Sign up as an author and follow the procedures mentioned afterwards.

Writers will start earning based on hit count as soon as the article will be published by our editorial team. For details visit:

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