The Financial Express

How can you optimise fuel efficiency in your vehicle  

How can you optimise fuel efficiency in your vehicle  

As the world emerges, natural resources are becoming scarce. Among which petroleum will be ranked on the top of the priority list. Most of the world’s heavy industrialisation and transportation are heavily reliant on petroleum consumption. However, scarcity of a component has a positive relationship with its cost. Thus, every year, petroleum-based chemicals, products, and bi-products are experiencing heavy fluctuation in the price. Mostly, the price is uprising.

Data from Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) shows that there are a total of 4,471,625 registered vehicles in the country, of which only 370,519 are registered as 'Private Passenger Car' followed by 105,896 'Microbus' and 66,219 'Jeeps'. Transportation fuel is something that is the most consumed of petroleum products. In Bangladesh, in the past few months, transportation fuel retail costs increased almost 25 per cent to some extent.

So, without a doubt, fuel should be considered a product that needs to be consumed with concern. Here are some of the ways that can be applied for smart cost-saving consumption of vehicle fuel.

A well-tuned vehicle:

Regular oil changes, air filter changes, and spark plug replacements will extend the life of your vehicle. This also improves overall fuel economy and lowers emissions. Always follow the instructions in the owner's manual for a hassle-free vehicle.

The condition of tires

By lowering the amount of drag your engine must overcome, keeping your tires properly inflated and aligned saves you money on fuel. Purchase a set of low rolling resistance (LRR) tires. For most passenger automobiles, tires that reduce rolling resistance by 10 per cent can improve gas mileage by one to two per cent.  They are now more common on new vehicles, so in some cases, it is just a question of buying a new set of the same thing.

Be mindful of your weight:

Don't bring unnecessary goods on the vehicle. Fuel economy drops one to two per cent for every 100 pounds of weight in your vehicle. Also, instead of putting bulky objects on a roof rack, put them inside the vehicle or trunk to avoid drag.

Keep track of the gas mileage:

You can keep track of your fuel economy by recording the odometer reading and the number of gallons purchased at each gas station. Divide the number of miles driven between fill-ups by the number of gallons purchased to get your gas mileage. Most hybrid automobiles, as well as certain conventional gas vehicles, feature specific meters that make it even easier to monitor your fuel economy more efficiently. Allowing you to observe how your driving habits affect your fuel economy.

Real-Time Engine Monitoring

This is an upgraded smart solution for monitoring fuel economy. There are significant benefits of these gadgets in terms of fuel efficiency. Drivers receive immediate feedback on how their driving behaviours impact mileage. For instance, If you accelerate hard off the line, the display will almost certainly show a considerable (and rapid) loss in fuel economy. Drivers learn to accelerate more smoothly and drive a little slower as a result of this training.

Eliminate Unnecessary Idling

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), a typical executive vehicle can waste 0.2 gallons of fuel every hour when idling. As a result, even one hour of wasteful idling each day can waste as much as $189 per vehicle per year, depending on $3.65 per gallon.

However, in the context of our country, the examples can be portrayed more immensely. Not a single person can be found who are aware of the annoying traffic jam of Dhaka city. Hours of idling can burn a significant amount of money.

Use of the Correct Motor Oil Grade

According to the EPA, using the right quality of motor oil for each vehicle can improve gas mileage by 1-2 per cent. The recommended oil grade can be found in the owner's manual.

Finally, in this era of extravagance, a minimalistic approach can save you money and resources, like fuel, beyond your normal assumption.

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