The Financial Express

Getting through the Eid day in a healthy way

Photo: Times of India Photo: Times of India

It’s the occasion of Eid-ul-Adha when capable Muslims around the world sacrifice an animal and distribute a large portion of the meat to relatives, neighbours and people in need. This is the day of the year when a lot of us will binge on red meat, but how can we manage that to minimise the associated health risks?
Burn the calories

On average, a male needs 2500 kilocalories while a female requires 2000 kilocalories every day, although this will vary by age and physical status.
Beef, which is almost ubiquitous during Eid will provide 580 kilocalories for every 200 grams, which is a lot.

So, if we are eating a lot of beef during the day, we need to make sure enough calories are burned to keep it balanced. The same applies to all other read meats we will be having this day.

How can we do that? As a start, it is better to go to bed earlier the previous day, so we can get 7-8 hours of sleep. We should wake up during the Fajr prayer, and after that, have some exercise. It can be anything - walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, etc. Half an hour of exercise will suffice.

When it comes to eating, it is suggested to separate the heavy meals at least 6 hours apart.
After the meal, resting or sleeping is not preferable, rather we must be active. We can engage in playing or any other fun activities with friends and family that will require physical work.

Some cooking advice

There are ways to cook meat healthily. When preparing the meat, the visible fat should be removed. Cooking in low heat is advisable since red meat contains a lot of vitamins and minerals which may be destroyed otherwise.

Using less oil, and eating boiled instead of fried meat are useful practices to follow. Kebab preparations are usually better during Eid. While eating, it may be a good choice to avoid the internal organs of the sacrificed animal.

Eating a balanced diet

During Eid day, it is better to cut as much carbohydrate as possible; so consume only a minimal amount of rice. Instead, fill that void with legumes, vegetables, and fruits. If we start the meal with these and fill our stomachs, the danger of overeating can be avoided.

We should drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses. Sugary drinks are a no-go. After a meal, green tea or lemon juice is a good choice since it can hasten the metabolism.

Nowadays, sheep have become somewhat popular in the Qurbani market. However, because of the high-fat content, too much sheep meat must be avoided. Lean cuts of the meat are healthier, like rib and shank without visible fat.

At the end of a hectic Eid day, we all will feel the need to lie down. It should happen 02 hours after the last meal. We can take a half an hour walk around the neighbourhood or any other safe place before going to bed; this will facilitate a sound night’s sleep.

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