The Financial Express

Craft your skincare routine matching your skin type

| Updated: July 23, 2022 16:50:39

Craft your skincare routine matching your skin type

Skin covers and protects our body from any foreign particles. The skin of every part of the body is not the same.

The skin of our face is highly sensitive, compared to other skins of our body. The skincare routine is different for the face, lips, and body.

Also, the skincare routine varies for skin types, such as sensitive, normal, oily, dry, or combination. In addition, every product is not suitable for everyone despite having the same skin type. 


Those having acne on their skin should avoid foundation as it increases acne. You can use a cleanser having salicylic acid, tree tea oil, and vitamin c.

Dr Asma Tasnim Khan, Skin, Sex and Anti-aging specialist, laser & cosmetic surgeon in EW Villa Medica Bangladesh, wrote in one of her articles, ''Acne is a multifactorial disease. Acne can occur due to genetic factors, hormones, bacteria, lifestyle, and using makeup.”

“Try to use any cleanser with 2 per cent salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. You can take oral antibiotics depending on the acne type. Treatment options changes when antibiotics do not work,” she explained.

However, as treatment varies from person to person, she recommended consulting a dermatologist for the best solution.

“Never try to poke the acne with your nails. A healthy diet is essential; taking sugar and milk-based products more than necessary increases oil secretion and acne. Regular exercise and controlling stress can reduce acne.''

Anti-ageing (wrinkles and fine lines) 

Retinol is the main ingredient for reducing fine lines. Avoid this from your routine during pregnancy.

According to Dr Asma Tasnim Khan, ''Retinol increases the collagen fibre of our skin and tightens the skin. It reduces fine lines and wrinkles. It gives us a good texture and reduces the blemishes. Ultimately we can get healthy skin.”

Many of us do not know how to use retinol properly. You can apply two drops of retinol at night after using a moisturiser. Make sure that you are applying it by dabbing.

“Do not over-rub it on your face. You can not use it on the eye area and lips. Retinol application will give extra dryness to your skin. It takes two to three weeks to adjust to your skin. Only use it two to three times a week,” advised the doctor.

Some precautions are necessary - using sunscreen that gives both UVA and UVB protection and a moisturiser such as retinol will make your skin sensitive. Start with low concentrated retinol. Consult with your dermatologist before using retinol for proper guidance.''

Uneven texture

Uneven texture means dullness to your skin, your skin looks uneven the way the light reflects you, or you just kind of look tired, and your pores can be visible.

It is the texture of your skin. Everyone has a texture more or less on their skin, and it is normal. Things that can improve your texture would be exfoliants, and cosmetic products that help remove dead cells from the skin. It is the number one thing that can do for textures, followed by retinoids, lactic acids, salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and mandelic acid.

Lactic acid is a good exfoliant as it hydrates and exfoliates at the same time. Exfoliating can be done two to three times a week; not more than that.


Hyperpigmentation defines darker patches on the skin. It causes due to overexposure to the sun, excess melanin production, and hormone fluctuations. Retinoids, vitamin c, azelaic acid, niacinamide, hydroquinone can treat hyperpigmentation.

Melasma or hyperpigmentation generally occurs in our forehead, chin, and sides of our cheeks. Causes are ultraviolet rays, using no sunblock, light exposure, computer and mobile UV ray, hormone, oral contraceptive pills, pregnancy, genetic reasons, using brightening products, and some medicines.

Melasma can come in three forms - epidermal, dermal, and dermoepidermal. Treatment is different based on the type. Treatment of epidermal melasma is easier than dermal as it is on the upper level of the skin.

Treatment includes the use of a physical sunblock in a proper amount and reapplying after two hours. Use 4-6 per cent hydroquinone at night after consulting with your dermatologist.

One may have multiple skin problems at a time. Figure out which one you need to treat first, and then step on to another treatment. This way you can craft a skincare routine.

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