Water levels in major river basins fall

FE Online Report | Published: August 09, 2020 20:25:15 | Updated: August 09, 2020 21:31:46

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Though water level was declining in the major river basins, flood victims are yet to relieved from woes.

Ten people died just in a day between Saturday noon to Sunday noon while total death toll increased to 184 so far in the 44-day flood that marooned areas of 33 districts.

Most of the deaths in the flooding were caused by drowning (155) and snakebites (16).

Two people died in Sirajganj, one each in Sunamganj, Madaripur, Rajbari, Dhaka and Munshiganj in a day, according to the Ministry of Health.

Diarrhea and skin diseases have rose notably in last one week amid receding of flood water.

1,700 people have been affected by diarrhea just in last two days as total 11,700 have been infected with the disease so far, according to the health ministry.

A total of 8000 people have also been affected by waterborne skin and eye diseases.

However, water level was showing a declining trend in the Brahmaputra-Jamuna, the Padma and Upper Meghna basins on Sunday which might continue for next three days, said the state-run Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC).

Eight rivers in 16 points under 12 districts flew above the danger marks while other major rivers in 81 points displayed a declining trend on Sunday.

Rivers round the city including Balu, Kaliganga, Shitalakhya, Bangshi and Dhaleshwary were showing a declining trend which might continue for next two days, said FFWC.

FFWC forecasted that flood condition might improve in most of the affected districts in next one week.

However, the hot weather condition of the city lessened to some extent on Sunday afternoon amid a light rain with moderate wind.

Day’s temperature dropped to 32.7 degree centigrade on the day which was 34.3 degree on Saturday.

The city witnessed 4.5 mm rainfall with a 16-20 kph wind on Sunday.

Humidity was also 81 per cent in day which declined to 61 per cent in the noon giving a little relief.

But the hot and humid condition might continue for another few days in the capital city, said the Met Office.




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