The Financial Express

Fakhrul accuses AL of establishing ‘reign of robbery’

| Updated: January 16, 2021 20:43:21

Fakhrul accuses AL of establishing ‘reign of robbery’

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday alleged that the government has established a ‘reign of robbery’ in the country by indulging in widespread ‘plundering’ even amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Now there’s no rule of law in the country. You (govt) are indulging in widespread plundering and stealing public money by establishing a reign of robbery in Bangladesh,” he said.

Speaking at a human-chain programme, Fakhrul said, “You even didn't stop plundering amid the dangerous pandemic of Covid-19. You’re now plotting to plunder more public money through vaccine import.”

As part of the party’s countrywide programme, its Dhaka south city unit arranged the human-chain in front of the Jatiya Press Club protesting the framing of charges against BNP acting chairman Tarique Rahman and issuing a warrant for his arrest in a sedition case.

Fakhrul said the government has been driving a steamroller of repression for nearly 12 years to destroy democracy.

“They (govt) think they can suppress the patriotic and democracy-loving people through repressive acts and false cases. But it’s not possible as the people of Bangladesh are used to restoring their rights through struggles,” he observed.

The BNP leader said people liberated the country and establish democracy through struggles and many sacrifices. “The People of Bangladesh will protect democracy again by shedding blood if it's necessary.”

As part of a plot to remove BNP from politics, he said its chairperson Khaleda Zia was jailed in false cases while Tarique Rahman kept in exile by ‘implicating’ him in different cases.

Fakhrul said the government fears Tarique as he does politics for the people of the country following the footsteps of his father Ziaur Rahman and mother Khaleda Zia.

“Tarique Rahman is not alone since the country’s 16 crore democracy-loving people are with him. So, it’s not possible to suppress the movement for democracy by resorting to filing cases and issuing arrest warrants,” he observed.

The BNP leader said the government has destroyed the judiciary and its dignity by establishing its control over it. “You’ve  convicted Khaleda Zia in completely false cases.”

Describing the Awami League government as anti-people one, he said it has taken a position against people and democracy by destroying all the institutions of the country in a planned way.

“So, we all must get united to remove the Awami League government. All the patriotic and democracy-loving people of Bangladesh will have to defeat this regime through united efforts,” Fakhrul said.


He demanded the government withdraw all the ‘false’ cases against Khaleda, Tarique and 35 lakh leaders and activists of BNP and release all the arrested and jailed political leaders and activists.

“From this public rally, we want to send out a message to people that it’s a time to get united, register protest and take part in a struggle against unjust and in favour of truth and justice. Let’s join that movement,” Fakhrul said.

Speaking at the programme, BNP standing committee member Gayeshwar Chandra Roy said the current government must be removed from the state power as it has killed democracy. “If we can do it, the rule of law, the independence of judiciary and democracy will be restored in the country.”

He said only one person of the current ‘authoritarian’ government has been ‘controlling’ courts, judiciary, police and all other forces.

“This despotic regime has no patriotism. It’s been trying to make the country a bottomless basket again by sacrificing the country’s interests and serving the purposes of its foreign masters only to hang onto power,” Gayeshwar said.

He said BNP should take preparations to wage a movement to dislodge the government as people are waiting to take to the streets.

The BNP leader said their party’s main responsibility is now to ensure a fair and credible election by ‘ousting’ the Awami League government. “We all have to discharge our this responsibility sincerely to ensure the fall of Sheikh Hasina.”


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