HRW asks Bangladesh govt to take meaningful action against sexual violence

FE Online Report | Published: October 09, 2020 13:22:44 | Updated: October 09, 2020 16:17:53

Students protest against an alleged gang-rape and brutal torture of a woman in the southern district of Noakhali, in Dhaka, Bangladesh on October 8, 2020 — AP photo

The Human Rights Watch has called on Bangladesh government to take meaningful action to combat sexual violence and to support survivors.

“Bangladeshi women have had enough of the government’s abject failure to address repeated rapes and sexual assaults,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, South Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

“The Bangladesh government needs to finally make good on its empty promises and heed activists’ calls to take meaningful action to combat sexual violence and to support survivors.”

Protests in Bangladesh erupted this week after a video of a group of men attacking, stripping, and sexually assaulting a woman went viral, the global rights body said in a statement on Friday.

The attackers shown in the video apparently included a man who had allegedly raped the woman in the video at gunpoint multiple times over the last year, based on an investigation by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC).

“Whenever the woman protested or refused, she was threatened with gang-rape by his whole team,” said Al Mahmud Faizul Kabir, the commission’s investigation director.

The woman told the media that the men had filmed the assault and then threatened for over a month to release the video in an effort to extort money from her and to compel her to comply with their demands for sex. When she resisted, they released the video, the statement reads.

Though the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission has sought to remove the video from the internet, it continues to circulate widely. “My life is already ruined,” the survivor told the media. “I am now worried about my children, especially my daughter.”

Eight men have been arrested in the case. But protesters called for the government to finally take the country’s sexual assault problem seriously.

According to Ain o Salish Kendra, a Bangladeshi human rights organisation, 907 women or girls were raped in just the first nine months of 2020.

Over 200 of these cases were gang rape. Since these numbers are based on media reports and most survivors do not report assault, they most likely capture only a small fraction of the true number of cases of sexual violence against women and girls in Bangladesh, said the global rights body.

Following massive protests earlier this year in response to a case in Dhaka, a High Court ordered the Law Ministry in January to form a commission within 30 days to address the troubling rise of sexual violence in the country, with the aim of producing recommendations by June.

However, more than nine months after the order, it is unclear whether the commission is functioning, and it has not produced recommendations.

In the meantime, the government has yet to pass long-promised sexual harassment and witness protection laws. Survivors continue to face stigma, and do not have adequate access to psychosocial services when they seek help, according to HRW.

The attackers are rarely held to account. The conviction rate for rape in Bangladesh is below 1 per cent.

A 2013 UN multi-country survey found that among men in Bangladesh who admitted to committing rape, 88 per cent of rural respondents and 95 per cent of urban respondents said that they had faced no legal consequences.

In its concluding observations in the most recent report on Bangladesh’s compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), the CEDAW Committee found that “existing rules, policies, and plans addressing gender-based violence against women are rarely implemented due to stereotypes and gender bias, and lack of gender sensitivity on the part of law enforcement officials.”

These problems are compounded because Bangladesh has no witness protection law, meaning that survivors pursuing legal remedies and those willing to testify on their behalf risk serious threats, harassment, and even death, the statement adds.

A Witness Protection Act was drafted by the Bangladesh Law Commission in 2006, but it has yet to be passed into law.

Nearly 90 per cent of legal practitioners surveyed by the country’s 2018 Justice Audit said that the measures to protect vulnerable witnesses and victims of crime, especially women and girls, were inadequate.

Though activists have repeatedly called for reform, Bangladesh’s penal code, article 376, which sets out the punishment for rape, specifically excludes marital rape and fails to provide legal protection to men, boys, transgender, hijra, or intersex people who are victims of sexual assault.

In 2009, the High Court issued a judgment providing detailed guidelines governing sexual harassment in all workplaces and educational institutions. As stipulated by the guidelines, all workplaces and educational institutions should have dedicated committees to prevent sexual harassment and respond to complaints. Yet over a decade later, these guidelines are rarely implemented, and the government has yet to finalise a draft bill.

The Bangladesh government should create the High Court-ordered commission on sexual violence and publicly report its recommendations; provide comprehensive sexuality education in schools, including on the meaning of consent; and provide training to law enforcement and court officials on working with victims of gender-based violence, Human Rights Watch said.

It should ensure that adequate and accessible resources for psychosocial support are available and accessible and should heed activists’ calls to finally pass a sexual harassment bill, provide witness protection, and reform discriminatory legislation.

“The Bangladesh government needs to listen to women,” Ganguly said. “The government should ensure that this woman, and all sexual assault survivors, are treated with dignity and have access to services, and that their right to a fair, timely, independent investigation and adequate legal remedy is respected.”

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