Govt employees demand 50pc DA to cope with price surge

FE REPORT | Published: October 16, 2022 13:04:31 | Updated: October 16, 2022 16:08:38

Govt employees demand 50pc DA to cope with price surge

Government employees on Saturday placed a seven-point charter of demand including providing them with 50 per cent dearness allowance (DA), to enable them to cope with the present price surge.

They warned that if their demands were not met immediately, they would launch a tougher movement.

They put forth the demands from a human chain prgoramme under the banner of Bangladesh Government Employees' Demands Realisation Unity Council held in front of the National Press Club.

Chief coordinator of the unity council Md Wares Ali said that even after 51 years of the country's independence, the government employees from the 11th to 20th grades were yet to enjoy its (independence's) benefits.

The demands also include forming a permanent Pay Commission, declaring a discrimination-free 9th pay scale, , giving time-scale selection grade and revising all the allowances in government jobs considering the present price hike of essential commodities.

Md Wares Ali said that they have been on the movement over the past four years to realise their demands.

They have so far handed over memorandums to over 120 members of parliament and parliamentary standing committees on different ministries for realising their demands.

"We call upon the government to meet our seven-point demand without any delay. If no steps are taken after submitting memorandum to the Prime Minister, we will go for a tougher movement for realising our demands," he said with a note of warning.

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