The Financial Express

International Plastic bag free day 2020

Global experts urge immediate enforcement of bag ban

| Updated: July 04, 2020 09:48:43

Global experts urge immediate enforcement of bag ban

Experts and activists across the globe, on the occasion of ‘International Plastic bag free day 2020, stated for execution of plastic bag ban regulation in order to have a plastic pollution free environment.

They also stated that the coronavirus can be transmitted through plastic bags and other single use plastics. 

Environment and Social Development Organization (ESDO) organised a virtual discussion having experts and activists from different countries highlighting the urgency and importance of enforcement of plastic bag ban law in Bangladesh and beyond.

About 50 participants, mostly students and youth representatives from Bangladesh, Nepal, Kenya, Bulgium participated the event virtually and expressed their solidarity with the global efforts to ban plastic bag and phase out single use plastics.

During the discussion a theme presentation highlighted the shocking facts on plastic bag.

About 2.0 million plastic bags are used every minute around the world, according to Earth Policy Institute, and most bags are simply thrown out and only less than 1.0 per cent are recycled.

Globally 5.0 trillion plastic bags are used per year. Plastic bags are used for an average of 12 minutes while 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic bags annually.

Approximately 1.0 million sea birds also die from plastic, 10 per cent of the plastic produced every year worldwide ends up in the ocean. And, 70 per cent of which finds its way to the ocean floor, where it will likely never degrade.

Discussing about the detrimental impacts of plastic bag, session moderator Dr. Shahriar Hossain, Secretary General, ESDO said, billions of plastic bags end up as litter each year and these bags are made of polypropylene, a material that is made from petroleum and natural gas.

Both of these materials are non-renewable fossil fuel-based resources and throughout their extraction and production, they cause emission of greenhouse gases, which eventually contribute to global climate change and are also very harmful for environment and human health.

DoE, Director Md. Ziaul Haque expressed his concern over the condition of plastic bag usage in Bangladesh saying, “despite being the pioneer nation to ban plastic bag in the world in 2002, Bangladesh is yet to completely phase out plastic bag usage owing to improper enforcement of the law.”

He urges all to come forward and work hand in unison to implement the plastic bag ban law and gradually phase out all single use plastic for the greater sake of public health and environment.

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