Rangpur zoo losing charm due to lack of adequate animals

Our Correspondent | Published: January 04, 2018 22:30:18

RANGPUR: A partial view of Rangpur zoo. The photo was taken on Thursday. — FE photo

RANGPUR, Jan 4: Rangpur zoo is gradually losing its charm and has become a boring place for the visitors, owing to lack of adequate animals.

A number of cages of animals in the zoo have been lying empty for years turning the zoo into an unattractive place. The zoo has inadequate shade for many wild animals living in small enclosures which obstructs them from wandering around. These animals seem to have forgotten their wild behaviour and hardly howl or growl.     

Sources said, wild animals like lions, tigers and bears should get an opportunity to roam around freely in open space. As Rangpur zoo has no such large space, all wild beasts are kept here in confinement for long. Consequently the animals have become feeble and sick.    

Founded on 21.51 acres of land in 1989, the zoo was opened for visitors in 1991 with 23 species of animals. Presently, lions, Royal Bengal tigers, crocodiles, gharial, deer, peacocks, hippopotamus, bear and hundreds of birds are the main attraction for the visitors.

No new animals have been brought here for long while their number has decreased because of deaths of many animals in recent years. Since the zoo authorities are unable to make available different other animals such as kangaroo, zebra, giraffe, elephant, rhino to attract the visitors, the number of visitors is decreasing day by day, sources alleged.

Though the environment of the zoo has improved a lot in recent times and it has got fresh look due to cordial effort by the present authority but lack of new animals for long is quite disappointing to the visitors.

Mostafizur Rahman Bablu, a resident of Rangpur city told The Financial Express that his children have to return home disappointed after visiting the zoo as they fail to see their favourite animals there like giraffe, zebra, kangaroo, rhino etc.

Talking to The Financial Express Deputy Curator of Rangpur zoo, Dr. Jasim    claimed that recently they made several attempts to bring some new animals like giraffe, zebra elephant but they are yet to get any new attractive animals except some peacocks. However, he could not give any confirmation about getting new animals within next few months.


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