Experts focus on boosting fish production to improve living standard of rural people

FE Team | Published: August 02, 2018 21:12:18

Experts focus on boosting fish production to improve living standard of rural people

RANGPUR, Aug 02 (BSS): Fisheries experts at a fingerling releasing function here today said fish production consistently increased in last 10 years improving livelihoods of rural people cutting poverty and strengthening rural economy.

They came up with the observation while addressing the function organised by Fulbari Fisheries Department for releasing large quantity of fish fry in the 'Fulsagar Lake' under Fulbari upazila of Kurigram district.

The Fulbari Upazila Fisheries Department released some 333-kg fish fries to 31 private and government sector water bodies on 103 hectares of land for boosting fish production in the upazila under the revenue budget for the 2018-2019 financial year (FY).

District Fisheries Officer of Kurigram Md Zillur Rahman attended the main function held on the 'Fulsagar Lake' bank and released fish fries as the chief guest with Fulbari UNO Debendranath Urao in the chair.

Acting Chairman of Fulbari upazila council Arjina Khatun, Fulbari Upazila Fisheries Officer Mahmudunnabi Mithu, Upazila Agriculture Officer Mahbubur Rashid and Upazila Cooperative Officer Azgar Ali addressed as the special guests.

Mahmudunnabi said fish production was increasing to the tune of over one lakh tonnes annually in the country during the past one decade following successful implementation of various pragmatic steps taken by the present government.

"The government has been implementing massive programmes for extension of fish farming in rural areas," he said, adding, the government was also providing assistance to the fishermen, fish farmers and private sector entrepreneurs to boost fish output.

The chief guest put emphasis on boosting fish production along with protecting natural breeding grounds, stopping catching of smaller fishes to preserve extinct and indigenous fish species to achieve self-reliance by the rural people.

He stressed on bringing all ponds, tiny water bodies, canals, 'beels', 'haors' and flood plains under fish cultivation using latest technologies to boost fish production for meeting nutrition of the people in building a healthier Bangladesh.

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