Ecology in peril for brick kilns on Bogura farmland

OUR CORRESPONDENT | Published: May 09, 2021 10:37:30 | Updated: May 10, 2021 11:57:44

A view of a brick kiln in a crop field under Dhunat upazila of Bogura — FE Photo

Due to the establishment of brick kilns on agricultural land, the ecosystem is under threat in Dhunot upazila of Bogura district causing extensive damage to plants for black smoke and ash, subsequently decreasing crop production.

The affected farmers complained that toxic gas emits from the brick kilns as wood is burnt at low tide without paying heed to the rules and regulations.

The environment department is not taking any effective action against these brick kilns.

Besides, due to lack of supervision by the authorities concerned, children are also being used in making bricks, pulling and burning raw bricks in these unauthorised kilns.

This is upsetting the balance of the environment as well as causing extensive damage to croplands.

In defiance of the government rules and regulations, a good number of brickfields are being run every year from the month of December to May to make money destroying the natural environment, said a conscious man Firoz Hossain.

These brickyards do not have any environmental clearance, license, and updated paperwork.

Even then, these brickfields are continuing operation like this year after year, he said.

Influential businessmen have built such brickfields next to agricultural land, educational institutions, and residential areas without any plan.

Farmers alleged they are not getting any remedy even after making a written complaint to the deputy commissioner.

The agriculture and environment of the area have suffered due to these brick kilns which have been set up without following the government rules and regulations.

Owners of several brickfields, requesting no to be named, said they were operating the kilns with regular payments to the administration.

The administration collects large sums of money from the kiln owners. They also give this money to keep the business afloat.

Evidence has been found by inspecting the paddy field of a farmer.

Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Sanjay Kumar Mahanta said the Upazila Agriculture Officer (UAO) has been given the responsibility to investigate the allegation of damage to the paddy fields of the farmers. And action will be taken after investigation.

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