DAE expects bumper mango production in Rangpur region

FE Team | Published: April 19, 2021 16:58:40

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Officials of the Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) as well as farmers are expecting a bumper mango production following smooth formation of the tender fruits in Rangpur agriculture region.

The process of tender fruit’s formation on mango trees continues smoothly predicting its bumper production in the region’s all five districts this season.

The DAE officials said the fruit setting stage is progressing fabulously amid favourable climatic conditions giving mango trees eye-catching looks in orchards and homesteads across the region.

Currently, farmers of the region have engaged maximum efforts in nursing and spraying their growing tender mangoes in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat and Nilphamari districts.

Farmer Md Mukul Shah of Chand Kuthirdanga village in Badarganj upazila of Rangpur said he has been cultivating the fibreless ‘Haribhanga’ mango in his orchards on 12 acres of land for the last 15 years.

“Formation of the most popular fruits on mango trees is now surprisingly visible. I’m expecting a bumper production of the fruit to earn a net profit of around Taka 20 lakh this session from my orchard,” he said.

Farmer Azizar Rahman of Sankarpur Mistripara village in the upazila said tender mangoes are growing spectacularly in his orchard where he has been cultivating 10 varieties of high yielding, tasty and popular mango for the last 14 years.

Farmer Jahangir Alam of Jarullapur Bakultala village in Mithapukur upazila of Rangpur said he has been cultivating ‘Haribhanga’ mango in his orchard on 10 acres of land for the last 13 years.

“The fruit setting period continues superbly now predicting a bumper production of the fruit this season,” he said, and hoped to earn a net profit of Taka 15 lakh, excluding all farming expenditure.

Additional Director of the DAE for Rangpur region Agriculturist Khandker Abdul Wahed said around 95 percent of mango trees bloomed this season and the fruit setting process continues outstandingly in the region.

Farmers have brought around 7,500 hectares of land under mango cultivation this season in Rangpur agriculture region where they cultivated the fruit on 7,350 hectares of land and produced 83,764 tonnes of mango last season.

“Many farmers have started commercial basis mango farming and changed fortunes after getting its repeated bumper production with lucrative prices in recent years,” Wahed said, reports BSS.

Deputy Director of the DAE for Rangpur Agriculturist Dr Md Sarwarul Haque said farmers have already started taking extensive care of the growing tender mangoes so that the fruit could grow healthier leading to a bumper production this season.

They have cultivated ‘Haribhanga’, ‘Mohanbhog’, BARI-4, ‘Gopalbhog’, ‘Lengra’, ‘Fazlee’, ‘Khirsapati’, ‘Chyatapori’, ‘Lakhna’, ‘Gourmoti’, ‘Amrapali’ and ‘Nakfazlee’ and other popular varieties of mango this season in the region.

“Field-level agriculture officials are assisting the farmers to properly nurse growing the tender fruits in orchards and control pests’ attacks, if any, like weevil, mango hopper and fruit fly during this fruit formation period for better production,” Haque added.


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