‘China to maintain strong ties with BD’          

FE Team | Published: October 30, 2017 22:57:32 | Updated: October 31, 2017 14:40:19

‘China to maintain strong ties with BD’          

China is keen to maintain good ties with Bangladesh and other South Asian countries keeping welfare of the people in the region into consideration.

Chinese Vice Minister Zhou Xiang told it to local UNB news agency on Monday.

"Though we've mountains in both countries, these couldn't put barrier to our growing relations," said he.

Mentioning Chinese President Xi Jinping's One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, the leader of the Publicity Department of CPC Hunan Provincial Committee said China maintains good relations with South Asian countries following the OBOR that says moving ahead together.

"Our government always attaches highest importance to South Asian countries," he said.

Xiang said governments of both the densely populated countries are working for people's welfare.

"Bangladesh can take lessons from China's development experiences. But we don't impose anything on any country," he said mentioning how China is currently the second largest economy in the world.

Zhou Xiang gave credit to the Communist Party of China (CPC) for the rapid development his country witnessed over the past decades.

The Vice Minister recalled China's reforms and open policy that is taking China forwards and China will remain open to extend support to its friends like Bangladesh.

He also said the friendship between Bangladesh and China is like drinking water from the same river.

However, Xiang did not want to make any comments on Rohingya issue terming it as a diplomatic matter.

He observed that the cultural ties and people-to-people contacts between the two countries have witnessed tremendous growth in recent times.

"I hope our friendship and love for each other will grow further in the days to come," Xiang said.

Zhou Xiang termed the just concluded 19th CPC National Congress a 'milestone' which will help China move ahead with development goals.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's report at the landmark meeting of the Communist Party of China has further boosted the confidence of foreign countries and organisations in China's development prospect and global role, political insiders say.

In the report unveiled at the opening session of the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi unveiled China's future development and reiterated his country's aspiration to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

Earlier in the evening, the Chinese Vice Minister hosted a dinner in honour of visiting Bangladesh media delegation at Dolton International Hotel.

Director (News), Bangladesh Betar, Hosne Ara Talukder is leading the 12-member media delegation.

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