China backs bilateral solution to Rohingya crisis

FE Team | Published: October 25, 2017 22:45:32 | Updated: October 26, 2017 12:36:08

China backs bilateral solution to Rohingya crisis

A top official in Dhaka has said that China wants to see a peaceful and bilateral solution to Rohingya crisis and send the Muslim-minority people back to Myanmar.

After a meeting in the capital with Chinese special envoy for Asian affairs Sun Guoxiang on Wednesday, Foreign Secretary M Shahidul Haque made China's position clear while talking to the waiting journalists.

"Their intention and commitment for sending them (Rohingyas) back is now stronger," he said emerging from the meeting.

Bangladesh naturally raised their stance, he said, pointing the Chinese envoy to the fact that when he came six months ago, the number of Rohingyas here was 400,000 and now it is 1,000,000.

"It's reality," quipped the Foreign Secretary, adding, they (China) are very worried about the crisis thinking that it’s not good for the region.

The question of mediation by China into the crisis did not come up for discussion, he confirmed.

"We sought support in the areas where we need. We're always optimistic and this time, too (regarding repatriation)," said the Foreign Secretary, adding that he sees some positive signs.

According to a UNB report, he said the only issue discussed at the meeting was Rohingya issue and Bangladesh's position is to send them back safely.

"Our stance is that their nationals will have to be taken back. It's our one-point agenda. It's unbearable burden. The Prime Minister (Sheikh Hasina) allowed them to stay here on humanitarian ground. But their stay can't be lingered," he said.

Replying to a query what is China's position over the issue, the Foreign Secretary said Myanmar and Bangladesh are both friends of China. "They want to bring a peaceful resolution working with the two friends."

The China envoy, who arrived at 12:50am on Wednesday, is expected to leave Dhaka for Beijing early Thursday.

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