The Financial Express

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship opportunity

| Updated: January 12, 2023 16:50:14

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship opportunity

Founded in 1925 by the co-founder of Lever Brothers (now Unilever),The Leverhulme Trust is a prestigious national grant-making organization in the UK. It is one of the biggest all-subject providers of research funding in the UK.

Host Country: the United Kingdom

Host Institute: The Leverhulme Trust

Name of the fellowship: Early Career Fellowships

Number of Awards: approximately 145


  • In recognition of the prestige of these awards and to enable the Fellow's research, up to £6,000 a year will be available for research expenses. The following are examples, rather than an exclusive list, of possible research expenditure: conference attendance, conference organisation (in the UK only), travel and subsistence for research trips in the UK or overseas, research assistance, and laboratory consumables.
  • For the UK and overseas subsistence (including accommodation) the Trust can contribute up to a maximum of £200 per day. For visits over 21 days, it is expected that the daily rate used will be lower than the maximum. 
  • Capital items (such as items of equipment and books) are eligible, up to a limit of £1,000 for each budget item but require explicit justification 

Check the application link for further details.


  • All candidates must hold a doctorate by the time they take up the Fellowship.
  •  Those who are or have been registered for a doctorate at any time may apply only if they have submitted their doctoral thesis for the viva voce examination by 4 pm on the closing date of 23 February 2023. 
  • Candidates must not be registered for degrees or professional or vocational qualifications at the time of commencing the Fellowship.
  • All candidates must have submitted their doctoral thesis for the viva voce examination not more than four years prior to the application closing date. Hence those who formally submitted their doctoral thesis for the viva voce examination before 23 February 2019 are not eligible unless they have since had a career break.
  • Applicants must not yet have held a full-time permanent academic post in a UK university or comparable UK institution, nor may Fellows hold such a post concurrently with the Early Career Fellowship. The Trust will consider applications from candidates whose permanent post does not include any research.

Check the application link for further details.

Application Deadline: 23 February 2023

Application Link: 

Interested applicants can check this link for details - https://cutt.ly/32U2izr

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