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Apply for Harvard University Berkman Klein's Fellowship Program

Apply for Harvard University Berkman Klein's Fellowship Program

The Berkman Klein Center of Harvard University is to help scholars explore and research cyberspace.


  • This opportunity is for scholars who wish to spend 2023-2024 in residence in Cambridge, MA as part of the Center's vibrant community of research and practice, and who seek to engage in a collaborative, cross-disciplinary, and cross-sectoral exploration of the Internet's most important issues. 

Opportunities and Expectations

  • Fellows will be expected to produce at least one public output that impacts and informs the scholarly and public debates in the arenas in which they work. These outputs could take many forms, including technical or design prototype(s), public writing, such as long-form pieces, op-eds, blog posts, or interviews, convenings organized and led by the fellow, reports or white papers, a website or other online resource, academic writing, such as a research paper.
  • In addition to each fellow’s personal research agenda, fellows will, together, actively design and participate in weekly all-fellows sessions at which research and ideas are presented and discussed, and they will participate in other cohort-scoped activities, such as working groups, skill-building sessions and training, workshops, and shared meals.
  • The fellows' program is housed under the Berkman Klein Center’s big tent of programs and institutional research efforts, and, in addition to each other, fellows will be in community with people who are part of the Center through these other forums.

Check the application link for further details.


  • We invite applications from people whose work on the Internet and society may overlap with ongoing work at the Berkman Klein Center and may expose our community to new opportunities and approaches. We welcome applications from people who feel that a year as a fellow in our variegated community would accelerate their efforts and contribute to their ongoing personal and professional development.
  • We encourage applications from scholars, practitioners, innovators, engineers, artists, and others committed to understanding and advancing the public interest. Fellows come from across the disciplinary spectrum and have different life paths. 

Check the application link for further details.

Application Deadline: 9 January 2023

Application Link: 

Interested applicants can check this link for details - https://cutt.ly/l0Jh2yA 

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