The Financial Express

Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar for skincare

Uses of Apple Cider Vinegar for skincare

Apple cider vinegar has become a popular natural skincare product. Can you blame somebody for taking the chance of smelling like salad dressing if it means having skin that is purportedly brighter and clearer?

Because of its inherently acidic pH, apple cider vinegar can help balance the pH of the top layer of skin. It functions as a vinegar because it has acetic acid, which is antimicrobial and keratolytic, as well as malic acid, a mild chemical exfoliator. 

Although most of the claims about apple cider vinegar are not backed by sufficient scientific data, its properties could theoretically result in the following skin advantages.


Apple cider vinegar can help maintain the outer skin layer's pH balance and keep your skin functioning correctly, which includes dealing with bacteria that cause acne and creating the proper amount of oil. 

Malic acid, which resembles alpha-hydroxy acid, is a component in apple cider vinegar. Malic acid is effective at treating acne-prone skin because it gently exfoliates to open pores and eliminate bacteria. 

To exfoliate and reduce blackheads, apple cider vinegar can also be used with baking soda and water.

Apple cider vinegar's malic acid may assist with hyperpigmentation problems like black patches. Malic acid is well known for its capacity to reduce melanin synthesis. Malic acid is excellent in reducing hyperpigmentation because melanin gives the skin its pigmentation. 

The antimicrobial and antibacterial qualities of apple cider vinegar could help prevent some skin infections, especially sunburn-related ones.

Side effects

All skin types can apply the chemical exfoliator malic acid because it is milder than other AHAs. Just make sure to patch-test any new products on your skin beforehand. 

Studies reveal that apple cider vinegar's acetic acid can result in chemical burns, and other components of apple cider vinegar can irritate and dry up the skin. 

If the formula turns out to be overly harsh, a simple approach to avoid this is adding more water than is advised.

Proper usage

Apply it as a facial toner: The skin's natural defences may be restored, extra filth can be removed, and acne can be treated using ACV as a fast toner. Due to its acidity, it has primarily been utilized as a toner. However, ACV should be diluted, especially if you have sensitive skin. 

You can use it as a spot treatment: Apple cider vinegar is incredibly effective at eradicating acne-causing germs and reducing scarring and pimple size. Use a small amount to create a poultice, then apply it to your blemish and leave it for the night to use as an overnight spot treatment. 

Use as a DIY facial mask: While apple cider vinegar can be applied directly to the skin, a straightforward yet efficient DIY facial cleanser can be made by combining ACV with water.

Use it as an exfoliant: ACV excels at gently exfoliating skin because of the malic acid it contains. For the most health advantages, take a warm bath with a cup of apple cider vinegar. You may have soft skin in about 15 minutes.

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