These foods in regular meals can boost your brain function

Dr Imtiaz Ahmed   | Published: March 01, 2022 17:46:03 | Updated: March 07, 2022 14:38:48

These foods in regular meals can boost your brain function

Our brains require a lot of energy, approximately 20 per cent of total body calories, to function properly. There are several sources of food that can give the brain energy a boost.

Oily fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acid helps to maintain the structure of brain cells. Studies showed that high omega-3 fatty acid levels can increase blood flow to the brain and also improve cognition or thinking power. Some examples of oily fish include salmon, tuna, sardines, herring etc.

The next one in the list must be a favourite of a lot of people. It’s dark chocolate, which contains antioxidants called flavonoids.

This can help to reduce oxidative damage to brain cells and encourage memory and learning. But there is a limit to consumption and the optimal amount is about 45 grams per week.

Nuts and seeds, especially walnuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds are also good sources of antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

Researchers found that nut intake helps to better brain function, especially in elderly people. Eating 29-57 grams of walnuts daily can enhance cognitive abilities. Peanuts can also provide high levels of vitamin E to keep the brain healthy.

Fruits like berries, e.g. strawberries, blackberries, blueberries etc. may play a beneficial role in brain health. Berries can delay neurodegeneration by improving neuronal communication and reducing cellular inflammation.

Other fruits, such as oranges, guava, and tomatoes possess a high concentration of vitamin C. vitamin C can prevent brain damage. Vitamin C can potentially slow down or prevent Alzheimer’s progression. Another fruit is Avocado which is rich in healthy unsaturated fat and can lower the risk of cognitive decline.

In a limited amount, caffeine can be good for the brain. Both tea and coffee have it. It can increase the information processing capability of the brain.

Both tea and coffee contain caffeine as well as antioxidants. In addition, green tea has the amino acid L-theanine which has been shown to enhance brain signalling. But it must be remembered that caffeine can negatively impact sleep and may not be suitable for everyone.

There are other important sources of brain energy. Eggs, a staple in breakfast, have B vitamins and a nutrient known as choline. Together, they reduce the risk of cognitive deficiency. Eating whole grains such as brown rice, oatmeal, and whole grain bread keeps the brain healthy by providing vitamin E.

Broccoli is another brain booster. It has vitamin K, C and flavonoids - all of which can increase brain power. It also contains glucosinolates which can help reduce oxidative stress to the brain.

Soybean products with polyphenol contribute to the reduction in oxidative damage too.

One of our common spices, turmeric, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and has been found to be associated with the growth of new brain cells and memory enhancement.

To keep our brain healthy, we must eat the right food in the right amount. There are many sources to provide the required energy to the brain cells, and we need to make sure it gets enough of it for the sake of a healthy life.

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