Take care of your eyes as season of conjunctivitis sets in

Dr Imtiaz Ahmed | Published: March 06, 2022 11:58:13 | Updated: March 08, 2022 10:30:44

Take care of your eyes as season of conjunctivitis sets in

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva, which is the covering of the inner surface of the eyelids and the white part of the eye.

Due to the appearance of the eyes, it is also known as ‘pink eye.’  It may be caused by an infection, or an allergy. Sometimes air pollution, exposure to chemicals can also cause conjunctivitis. It can affect one or both eyes.

If the cause is infectious, then conjunctivitis is very contagious. However, allergic conjunctivitis is non-contagious. It is most often seen as part of seasonal allergies, during seasonal changes etc. For example, in the coming days i.e. in March and April, we can expect to see a lot of ‘pink eyes’ around us.

There are some common symptoms of conjunctivitis, e.g., redness in the eye, itching, and watery discharge. In case of infectious causes, there may be some pain and yellowish-green discharge as well.

Conjunctivitis is usually a self-limiting condition. It is expected to resolve in 1-2 weeks. In the meantime, we have to take care of our eyes and practice good personal hygiene.

To provide comfort to the eye(s), a water compress is often suggested. This can be done by soaking a piece of soft cloth in cold, or if you prefer, warm (but not too hot) water.

Then the affected eye(s) is closed, and the cloth is gently applied to it for a few minutes. This can be done several times a day. If only one eye is affected, then the cloth should not touch the healthy eye.

We also have to avoid touching the eyes with our hands. It may be difficult with itching. If we touch the eyes inadvertently, the hands should be washed immediately with soap and water.

This hand washing must be made into a habit, especially after we sneeze or cough into our hands as well as before and after eating.

It is also good for the eye(s) if we wash them a few times a day. After that a clean towel or tissue must be used as a wipe, it needs to be changed daily and kept away from others.

For people who like to put on mascara or makeup, it is advisable to avoid those during this time. This is because bacteria can live in the makeup, and mascara can cause irritation to the eye(s). Also sharing eye cosmetics or personal eye-care items is a no-go, even during normal times.

Contact lenses should always be cleaned very thoroughly before using. If they are identified as the cause, they should be changed, and it may be better to use glasses for a while.

However, there are circumstances when we need to talk to a physician for the pink eye(s). One reason is when the condition lasts for more than 2 weeks; but there are other reasons too.

If there is pain associated with the redness, vision problems, intense redness, rapidly deteriorating symptoms - all point to seriousness of the condition that must be resolved with the help of a physician.

Whatever the cause is, maintaining personal hygiene is always important. We must not also hesitate to speak to a physician if the inflammation is causing serious problems.

Dr Imtiaz Ahmed completed his MBBS from Dhaka Medical College.


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