Maintain your diet: Risk-free solution to hair fall  

Dr Imtiaz Ahmed | Published: March 07, 2022 20:47:45 | Updated: March 11, 2022 10:00:39

Maintain your diet: Risk-free solution to hair fall  

The problem of hair fall affects both men and women alike. It can be hereditary, or simply a consequence of aging.

Sometimes there are underlying conditions, e.g. diseases, side-effects of medication etc. There are a few things we can do to try to make our hair healthy. One of these is adding certain foods to our diet.

It is also the safest way to choose since not using any medicine, oil or hair fall solutions do not pose any risk of reverse effect.

Vitamin A is a great nutrition to the scalp. It has been shown to increase hair growth. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A.

Adding sweet potatoes, sweet peppers, spinach to the diet list helps too. Spinach also contains a lot of nutrients, i.e. iron. folic acid, potassium, magnesium, and vitamin C - all of which contribute to good hair.

There is a phytoestrogen called genistein, which has been shown to increase resistance to alopecia or hair loss. Soybean and soybean oil are sources of this. Soybeans also have amino acids which are important to support growth of new hair cells.

Green peas are another good food to enhance hair health. They provide a balanced mix of vitamins (e.g. vitamin B) and minerals (e.g. zinc) essential for hair growth.

Fatty fishes, such as sardines, salmon etc., nuts such as walnuts are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

They help to maintain the integrity of cell membranes throughout the body and as such can slow down the loss of hair. Walnuts also contain zinc, iron, Vitamin B1, B6, B9, and proteins - all important for hair growth.

Shrimps and chicken are important as well, since they contain vitamin B12, iron, zinc and a host of other minerals necessary for hair. Chicken is a good source of amino acid L-cysteine, and  arachidonic acid which can stimulate hair growth and prevent hair fall. 

Certain seeds, like pumpkin, sunflower are rich sources of essential minerals for hair. Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of vitamin B5 that increase scalp blood flow and stimulate hair growth.

Eggs provide protein which helps to maintain the structural integrity of hair follicles. Eggs also contain Vitamin B7, the deficiency of which can cause hair thinning.

Egg yolks are rich in iron and vitamin D, helping blood circulation to the scalp. Amino acid L-lysine is also found in eggs, which is known to slow hair loss.

According to a team of Italian researchers, eating a diet containing raw vegetables and fresh herbs, especially a diet containing parsley, basil, salad greens, may reduce the risk of hair fall. They published their findings in Archives of Dermatological Research in 2017.

It is not imperative to follow the diet exactly, but at least we should include some foods in our daily diet that can help to keep the head full of hair.

Dr Imtiaz Ahmed completed his MBBS from Dhaka Medical College.

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