
Ma-Telehealth Center launched

| Updated: September 21, 2020 17:52:33

Ma-Telehealth Center launched

Ma-Telehealth Center, an initiative to deliver services to pregnant and lactating mothers and children,was launched recently to reach about 10 lakh mothers and is being piloted in 13 Upazilas.

For the first time in Bangladesh, a multi-disciplinary team consisting of various specialist doctors has been launched to provide services directly to pregnant women, lactating mothers, and children, which complements the current government's health services. It provides health care and counseling for pregnant mothers, lactating mothers, and children aged 0-2 years, arranging necessary treatment, and coordinating with the health center. To do this, a team consisting of gynecologists, pediatricians, nutritionists, counseling services, and local government health officials is working.

Under the supervision of the Department of Women and Children Affairs, and overall support of the A2i ICT division, the Centre is providing uninterrupted maternity care during the corona pandemic.

The technical support is provided by BASIS, Synesis IT, and Shastho Batayon. 

To ensure healthy motherhood through effective ANC, PNC and emergency services for pregnant and lactating women in Bangladesh, a multifaceted team for pregnant, lactating women and children (gynecologists, pediatricians, psychologists, nutritionists, co-ordinate a wide range of services through general practitioners and consultants), TeleHealth Services Number 333 and Shastho Batayon (16263) for Children's Healthcare with effective referral systems with MOHFW and the private sector is providing the service round-the-clock.

Besides, Ma-Telehealth Center will play a major role in achieving the 3rd target of SDG. According to Goal 3, Ma-Telehealth is working to ensure a healthy life for mother and baby and to reduce maternal mortality and eliminate all preventable deaths under the age of 5. The telehealth center is also playing a role in ensuring a reduction in mortality from non-communicable diseases and helps to maintain the good mental health of the mothers.

According to a survey conducted by Ma-Telehealth Center from June 14 to September 14, 2020, a total of 179,442 people has been served by Ma Telehealth. Of these, 8817 by gynecologists, 12446 by pediatricians, 2142 by general medical practitioners, 941 by psychiatrists, and 2230 people were served by nutritionists. Besides this, 294 corona patients, and a follow-up total of 361 corona patients have been taken.

To enlighten this topic a2i Chief E- Governance Strategist, Lead Focal Digital Service Accelerator Mr. Forhad Zahid Shaikh said, ‘’The Ma-Telehealth Center is working towards achieving the 3rd goal of SDG and we hope that it will play an effective role in ensuring healthy life of mother and child and reducing maternal mortality. In addition, the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, DGHS, A2I and Synesis IT are working together on Ma-Telehealth to provide maternal and child health services during this pandemic time.

CEO of Synesis Health and Public Health specialist Dr. Nizam Uddin Ahmed said, “Ma- Telehealth Center delivers health service, advises, necessary treatment services to pregnant mother, lactating mother and 0-2 years old infants by coordinating with Health Center. In this regard a team comprising of gynecologists, pediatrics, nutritionists, counselling services and officers of local government are working together. Every day the service is being provided in two shifts from 9 AM to 9 PM. In total there are 6 medical doctors where two gynecologists, two pediatrics, one general practitioner, and one psychiatrist are working, moreover there are one nutritionist and 8 health information officers who are actively providing these services. Food, medicine, ambulance and health services are also being provided by this remarkable initiative.”








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