The Financial Express

KAMPS celebrates World Kidney Day-2022

| Updated: March 16, 2022 15:43:00

KAMPS celebrates World Kidney Day-2022

Kidney Awareness, Monitoring and Prevention Society (KAMPS), a leading non-government voluntary organisation, on Thursday organised a rally and discussion to celebrate the World Kidney Day-2022.

The organisation chalked out a day long programme to mark the day, according to a statement.

Dr MA Samad, Founder and President of KAMPS and Head of the Department of Kidney of Anwar Khan Modern Medical College Hospital, led the rally as well as presented the keynote speech in the discussion.

Prof Samad stressed that that every effort should be made to ensure the right to treatment of kidney patients of all walks of life in remote areas of the country irrespective of rich and poor or disadvantaged groups.

He focused on widespread awareness among people to prevent the kidney diseases referring that the treatment of this disease is critical and its cost is excessively high that is not possible to bear for lower income segment of people.

He said that the cause of increase in kidney disease should be investigated and necessary steps should be taken after analyzing why it is not being possible to reduce the medical expenses.

Rezwan Salehin, Executive Director of the KAMPS, along with other senior officials of KAMPS and local people joined the rally.

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