How to handle a pre-wedding breakout?

MAHIA AFRIN | Published: October 23, 2022 15:18:15 | Updated: October 26, 2022 12:08:41

How to handle a pre-wedding breakout?

How to prevent breakouts is among the most frequent worries of soon-to-be brides and grooms the week before their wedding.

Various factors can cause these unsightly pimples to appear on a wedding day, raising many skin-related concerns. Which skin care products help with oil control? How frequently should I wash my face? Which foods should I stay away from? The list goes on and on.

According to Dr Debeshi, an Indian award-winning Clinical Cosmetic and Aesthetic Expert, you should follow these six skincare hacks to keep acne and other blemishes from spoiling your big day.


"Washing your face at least twice a day—after waking up in the morning and before going to bed—is one of the simplest ways to avoid breakouts."

"Bacteria, dirt, and other pore-clogging oils can accumulate throughout the day, resulting in a not-so-pleasant breakout; however, using a cleanser or a scrub can help wash away any impurities and leave skin feeling fresh and clean," Dr Debeshi said. 

Do not go to bed without first removing your makeup. Instead, use a double-cleansing method to take makeup off completely.


In the months leading up to your wedding, be especially mindful of what you eat.

Dr Debeshi recommends, "Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables to provide your body with the antioxidants and nutrients required for clear, fresh skin."

"As difficult as it is to give up your guilty pleasures, avoid sugary and salty foods right before the big day. Your skin will thank you, and you'll be able to get a head start on your pre-wedding nutrition regimen", she added.

Icing your face

Some types of pimples may be helped, but not all, by using ice or a cold compress. One natural remedy that draws attention is ice, thanks to its simplicity and adaptability.

Ice is said to have numerous skin care advantages, such as reducing pore size and getting rid of bags under the eyes, but it cannot permanently cure acne.

"A single ice cube can be applied to a pimple on the face, depending on its size and number. If you cleanse your skin first, you can also apply ice to severely inflamed pimples several times a day."

Consult doctor

Even though there are many products in the market, it is best to visit your dermatologist for the quickest results.

Each skin type is different, so there is a chance that using a product on your skin without first consulting a dermatologist could irritate it or make it worse.

"If you have any skin or hair problems that need to be resolved, start seeing a dermatologist at least six months before the wedding. However, don't wait until the last minute to make an appointment; a dermatologist can help with zit healing by using the proper chemical peel and lasers. Oral antibiotics can effectively save the day on occasion," the doctor suggested.

Managing stress

Stress is one of the main reasons why breakouts occur.

While wedding planning can be stressful, you must keep a low profile. In all cases, a holistic approach is required. Get a massage, meditate, or soak in a relaxing bubble bath. To get on the path to clear skin, keep calm and take a break from wedding shenanigans.

Go easy on makeup

"Throughout your wedding, it is crucial to maintain a polished appearance, but that does not mean your skin has to suffer. Start using products that are light and won't harm your skin. Do not use a lot of makeup before prepping your skin because it can clog your pores," Dr Debeshi noted.

There is no magic cure, but attempting to make healthy habits and decisions can help.

It is important to note that nothing, including yoga, superfoods, or skin care products, can ensure you won't experience acne flare-ups.

"But leading a healthy lifestyle, eating well, controlling your stress levels, and maintaining good hygiene with the aid of systems that fight acne help you have the best possible day on your most important day," Dr Debeshi concluded.

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