Foods that relieve constipation

SHUVODIP BISWAS TURJA | Published: March 16, 2022 15:43:00 | Updated: March 17, 2022 17:10:53

Photo courtesy: The Statesman

Constipation! To some people, constipation is like a terror. Those who have constipation have to suffer the whole day after an unsuccessful and in some cases, painful bowel movement in the morning.

To be specific, almost 14 per cent of people suffer from chronic constipation. But, there are several foods that can provide some relief to a constipated person.

Why constipation?

Naturally, by the term constipation, most people think of difficulties in passing stools. Well, besides that problem, constipated people also face problems like lumpy or hard and dry stools, small stone or marble-like stools, lack of comfort during and after a bowel movement, inability to feel an empty stomach, lack of appetite and so on.

Constipation generally happens because of the lifestyle or health condition or type of medication.

Food habits that contain rich foods with too much fat, but lack fibre, is the basic reason behind constipation.

Additionally, things like stress, sudden change in food habits, irregular going to the bathroom, being on a journey, dehydration, lack of exercise can also cause constipation.

Saviour foods


Apples are mines of fibre. In every 200 grams of apple with its skin holds almost 4.5 grams of fibre. There is a soluble fibre in apples named pectin which turns into short hydrophilic short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids attract water, thus resulting in acceleration in bowel movement.

Citrous fruits

There are fruits like grapefruits and oranges which are rich sources of fibre. For example, every 300 grams of grapefruit have approximately 5 grams of fibre, while orange has approximately 3.6 grams in every 150 grams.

Besides, peels of these fruits contain pectin to ease the stool.

Green vegetables

Besides being filled with vitamins and minerals, green vegetables like brussels sprout, lady's finger, broccoli or spinach work as a good source of fibre in our diet. These veggies make the stool bulkier and heavier, which helps them to move easily through the gut.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes can be another massive source of fibre in a particular diet. There are lignin and cellulose in sweet potatoes which actually make insoluble fibre.

Soluble fibres like pectin are also present in sweet potatoes. Research says, eating sweet potatoes effectively helps to check the pain and strain of constipation.


Pulses like peas, beans or lentils are among the cheapest yet best sources of fibre. They contain both soluble and insoluble fibre to make the stool bulkier and heavier for the easy movement. Additionally, they also soften the stool.

Dairy products

Dairy products such as yoghurt contain microorganisms, known as probiotics. Probiotics like polydextrose, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus works as a great treatment for constipation.

Most importantly, the consumption of water is essential. Most of the time, dehydration is the main reason for hard stools, which can be prevented by drinking a lot of water.

There are also foods like soups, pears, white bran, kiwis, whole wheat bread etc. which will help a constipated person with a more comfortable bowel movement.

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