Foods that make you grow old faster

Shuvodip Biswas Turja | Published: March 19, 2022 19:14:45 | Updated: March 21, 2022 18:57:06

Photo: Storytimes

Most people want to remain green, at least physically, until their old age. However, many do not succeed. There are some certain variables that make a person age faster than normal.

One of those variables is foods. Yes, there are some foods which may cost you rapid physical ageing.

Ageing is mostly seen on skin, the largest organ of the human body. Literally everything a person eats affects his/her skin. However, the food items responsible for aging are pretty common considering our local food habits.

The more people consume these items, the more they grow old. Now, what are these foods?

Spicy foods: At the very first place comes hot and spicy. Ethnically, people of this region are extremely fond of foods that contain unique and hot spices. But, the truth is that, the blood vessels of the human body expand and in some cases may even break because of consuming spicy foods.

Thus, purple marks start to appear on the face. Women suffering from rosacea after their menopause can face problems after eating hot and spicy food because this type of food can trigger flare-ups.

Besides, hot foods increase body temperature and make a person sweat, resulting in bacterial infections on skin.

Energy drinks and soda: Another major reason behind the ageing of cells and tissues is the excessive consumption of energy drinks and soda.

Energy drinks contain extra calories with sugar. More than five teaspoons of sugar can be found in every 10 ounces of soda.

Moreover, this sugar, collaborating with the bacterias inside the mouth, harms the enamel of the tooth. Such defective teeth make one look more aged than s/he is.

Processed meats: Ham, bacon, sausage and other types of processed meats can speed up one’s age. While processing, these meats are either cured or smoked or salted, so that they can last long.

But the chemicals and preservatives used for the process may create excessive inflammation in the body. As a result the cells cannot heal according to the need, and the consumer looks aged.

Fried foods: Who does not love a pack of French fries? Well, this love can be suicidal. Fries need oil, which gives birth to unstable molecules and free radicals, that harms the molecules of skin and makes people age.

Baked foods: Yes, baked foods like cookies and cakes may also be the reason behind one’s getting old. There are fats and sugars in these items, which increase the consumers’ weight and make them aged.

Margarine: Most kinds of margarines contain trans fats, which leads the consumer towards stroke and heart attack. And having these types of diseases makes the consumer look more aged.

Caffeine: As a diuretic, caffeine makes the consumer urinate more and more. This results in dehydration of the skin, because of which the skin cannot release toxins. As a result, wrinkles, dryness of skin etc. happen.




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