7 home remedies for glowing skin this summer

A R Tahseen Jahan | Published: March 20, 2022 14:51:30 | Updated: March 23, 2022 10:51:30

7 home remedies for glowing skin this summer

Summer is here, as well as our favourite sunny weather where we feel warm and can click awesome photos with natural lighting. But what about our skin tone? Skin tone and the UV rays from the sun are like enemies.

The glow of skin, one might feel in the Winter, gets darker as the glow decreases in Summer due to the effect of the harmful UV rays. Unless extra care is taken to glow the skin in a healthy way, it is impossible to be confident with the skin tone.

Carrying sunscreen is a must in any weather but in addition to that, weekly 3 times natural homemade remedies can bring the daily glow of your skin pretty fast.

Turmeric facial mask:

Turmeric homemade mask is one of the most ancient masks to have healthy and good looking skin. It helps to reduce blemishes of the skin which is caused by regular sunburns.

To prepare the mask, first, clean your face properly. Then add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice with 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder. After mixing it well, apply it to your bare face weekly 2 times to see the best result.

Yoghourt-banana facial mask:

Yoghourt is a top priority for mainly dry skin. In addition to bananas, this mask helps to get baby soft skin in summer.

Take a banana and mash it well. Then add 2 teaspoons of yoghourt and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix it well and apply this instantly to your face and wash your face once it gets dry in your face. Use this remedy twice a week to get the best result.

Tomato special facial mask:

People in the South-Asian region get tanned pretty easily; tomatoes can be their best friend in summer. Tomatoes are highly beneficial to get untanned and have flawless skin.

Smash a tomato and add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into it for the extra benefit of vitamin C. Mix it properly and then rub it from face to neck. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash the face with cold water.

Aloe Vera facial mask:

Aloe Vera is beneficial to get a pimple free smoother skin in summer or even in winter to any season. Extracting the juice of Aloe Vera and applying it to the face can help remove red spots due to excessive sunburns as well.

Take a strand of Aloe Vera then extract the juice or blend the neutral coloured portion and then add 1 teaspoon of glycerin into it.

Start dabbing the mixture slowly on your clean and bare face. Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash your face off with cold water. A smooth and moisturised skin is an instant result of this mask.

Papaya special facial mask:

Papaya is rich in both Vitamin A and C which helps to remove black spots if used for a long time with routine. Its special ingredients help to remove tan as well as black spots of summertime burning and helps to get a blemish-free skin tone.

Get 8-10 small cubed pieces from papaya and smash them. Add 1 teaspoon of honey into it and make a mixture. For dry skin add 1 teaspoon of milk extra into the paste.

Apply it generously from face to neck, keep it for 15 minutes and then wash your face with lukewarm water. This mask can be used three or four times a week.

Multani- Mint Facial Mask:

Multani is capable to gift glowing natural skin in any season. If it is mixed with mint then it calms the irritative skin as mint has cooling properties. It also removes the excess oil of the skin and helps to get rid of whiteheads.

Take some fresh mint leaves and grind them to make a paste of mint. Make a mixture by taking half a cup of ‘Multani Maati’ and the paste of mint, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of water if needed.

Apply it to your face and neck and leave it for 15 minutes till it dries; rinse it with water.

Egg special Facial Mask:

If you have extra dry skin then this mask will perfectly suit your skin.

Beat one egg including the yolk and add a paste of almonds with the egg pack. Apply it in your clean bare face from face to neck. Then rinse it properly. This mask especially works before bedtime at night. It can be beneficial to reduce wrinkles and spots as well.

Important to remember: one should definitely check whether the particular ingredients suit their skin or not by applying for a short period at first.


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