Zayed loses post, Nipun regains shine

FE Team | Published: February 05, 2022 22:58:04 | Updated: February 06, 2022 21:02:30

Zayed loses post, Nipun regains shine

Actor Zayed Khan, who was elected general secretary of Bangladesh Film Artists Association last month, has lost his post amid allegations that he paid members to vote for him.

An appeals board declared his rival actress Nipun Akter the winner by cancelling his candidacy on Saturday, reports

Director Sohanur Rahman Sohan, head of the board, also said the candidacy of Chunnu, who was elected executive member, was cancelled on the same charges.

Nipun praised the decision as a “victory of truth”, while Zayed threatened to sue the appeals board.

Nipun appeared before the board on Saturday, while Zayed stayed away.

After she alleged that Zayed bought votes during the election on Jan 28, Zayed refuted the charges.

 “I had many documents. I informed the Election Commission about everything, but it did not help me. Now the truth has prevailed,” she said on Saturday.

Ilias Kanchan won the president’s post in the election. The candidate of Nipun’s panel defeated Misha Sawdagar, who contested in the election from Zayed’s panel.

Nipun won 13 votes fewer than Zayed in the election. The results were the same in a recount. Later, she filed an appeal, demanding fresh voting and threatening to sue Zayed.

Sohan contacted the social welfare ministry for instructions on Nipun’s appeal. Following the government’s advice, the appeals board decided to sit with all sides on Saturday, but Zayed rejected the call.

He argued that the appeals board’s decision would not be effective because its validity ended on Jan 29.

He also served a legal notice on Sohan and four other members of the board, saying he would file a case if they did not respond.

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