World University of Bangladesh holds seminar on venture capital

FE Online Report | Published: January 08, 2018 15:39:34 | Updated: January 13, 2018 15:10:42

WUB holds seminar on venture capital

Department of Business Administration of World University of Bangladesh (WUB) has organised a seminar titled ‘Venture Capital for Entrepreneurs’ on its main campus.

Professor Dr Musfiq  Mannan  Choudhury, Chief Advisor of the WUB, was present at the seminar held on Monday as the Chief Guest.

Prof Dr M Nurul Islam, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the university, chaired the session, says a media release.

Dr S M Ferdous Azam, Faculty of Business Management and Professional Studies, Management and Science University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, was present at the seminar as keynote speaker.

Heads of Departments Faculty members and students of business administration department were also present at the event.

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