
Toolkit for non-programmers

ABIR ERSHAD | Published: October 12, 2022 23:41:39 | Updated: November 02, 2022 19:41:58

Toolkit for non-programmers

Building quite literally anything -- from websites, apps, or even internal tools requires an intricate understanding of programming language and syntax. "It requires weeks, months, or maybe even years of learning depending on the complexity of the project," is what would've been true even a few years ago. However, today we have the No-Code Movement.
What is no-code: No-code is a modern toolset that provides a solution for non-technical personnel to build software, webpages, and toolsets. From a more technical point of view, it replaces the logic-syntax with a more top-down visual approach to building things. Via this, no-code enables non-technical persons to develop solutions that would've once required technical knowledge.
Is no-code better than coding: Yes, and no. No-code is a misnomer; while it might seem like coding isn't utilised by the end-user, there is in fact a lot of programming that went into the creation of the no-code tool. Having a grasp of programming is a far more powerful tool to have, and the possibilities are endless. If one is a programmer, there are no limitations to what one can create, and the same cannot be said about no-code.
On the contrary, no-code is better in the sense that it is more accessible. Teams across the world utilise tools like Zapier & Salesforce to automate their workflow despite having engineers capable of building the same capacity. Paying a web developer is reasonable, but having the alternative to develop beautiful websites via tools like Webflow & Wix is a cheat code.
In the words of Ryan Hoover, CEO of Product Hunt, "As creating things on the internet becomes more accessible, more people will become makers. It's no longer limited to the less than 1.0 per cent of engineers that can code resulting in an explosion of ideas from all kinds of people."
The true utility of no-code rests in the fact that small tasks can now be completed by non-technical persons. No-code allows engineering teams to dedicate themselves to more challenging problems, and business teams to utilise their resources elsewhere.
Where can one use no-code: One can use no-code for website development, database & CRM tools and project management tools.
Website development: In the past, website development was a lengthy process -- wireframing, prototyping, and rounds of development consumed an ample amount of time and money. But let's face it - most businesses or personal portfolios don't require such an intricate and technical process.
Website development is now possible via no-code tools like Wix, Cardd, Softr, Potion etc. Most platforms utilise a drag & drop feature, others crawl documents or platforms to create a website. The time and resources spent on website development can now be reallocated towards other use cases, and that's been a game changer.
E-commerce is made easier with websites like Squarespace, Wix, or Bookmark that have integrated payment features, while many others have integrations built for third-party e-commerce plugins like Shopify & Woo-Commerce. The customer journey can be further streamlined with no-code chatbots like Smooch, Chatfuel, Tinybot etc.
Database & CRM tools: No-code simplifies data and databasing. While SQL and other data warehousing solutions are brilliant for enterprise use, they are expensive and difficult. Small-scale businesses often leverage Microsoft Excel and Google sheets to manage this, but there are more intuitive solutions like Airtable that work both as a database and as a data-management suite.
Tools like Airtable not only allow very simple data entry, but it is easy to produce high-quality data via the use of extensions and interfaces on Airtable. This is a game-changer for databases that require collaborations, as features like custom views and interfaces make life easier.
Databases like Airtable can be used as CRMs, Research Databases, Agile Project Management, Event Planning, Budgeting, and countless other use cases.
Project management tools: Project management is an extremely crucial task for all functions. There are two ways to achieve it: ask your engineering team to make a system, or use a technical PM tool like Jira.
Both require major resource allocation and time, and for many teams, it is not worth it. Thankfully, no-code PM tools like Trello, Notion, Coda, and others make life easier.
These tools and platforms can be used collaboratively by teams, and ensure accountability among everyone. They often include Kanban Boards, Gantt Charts, tables, and lists. Management of these tools doesn't require trained specialists either -- anyone who has used the tool can assign, complete, and administer the tool as they see fit.
If you are operating a business, using a project management tool can improve both your workflow and efficiency. Small teams and students can often avail of credits or free plans, and pricing tends to be competitive -- meaning that you can avail of one without breaking the bank.
Automation: Everyone hates tedious tasks, and automation makes things easier. But let us face it, automation is daunting - or at least it used to be. Today, many platforms such as Salesforce, Airtable, etc. offer in-built automation solutions such as invoice generation, task relays, and so on.
Third-party automation platforms (Zapier, Automate, IFTTT) extend the possibility of what can be achieved in this regard. A business can simplify its social media publishing by integrating multiple channels. They can map their entire e-commerce journey and remove manual input wherever applicable. Elaborate and creative solutions are extremely achievable via this.
Communication can be automated too, via the use of email tools like Sendgrid& Mailchimp. Marketing teams don't need to rely on manual labour or engineering teams to start email campaigns.
For businesses operating at scale, or even businesses running with low resources -- automation can be a game-changer. Individuals may also leverage automation for their personal task scheduling and other miscellaneous reasons.
Final thoughts: Outside of what has been mentioned, no-code tools have started emerging for most virtual use cases. Web Scrapers, Text-to-Image Generators, Caption Generators, Form-Builders, Design Prototype Tools, and many others are being developed and improved on a routine basis.
The No-Code Movement is still early, yet despite this we have witnessed extremely powerful tools that have redefined the way we work. This has been beneficial to small businesses and large businesses alike, allowing them to free up and reallocate resources -- cutting costs, and the hours required for project completion. No-code is a catalyst for builders worldwide, and if you're building something -- consider giving it a shot.

The author can be found rambling on the internet regarding his 139th newly found interest of the month. Reach out to him at

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