RPI seminar stresses expansion of technical education

FE Team | Published: March 25, 2018 12:31:55 | Updated: March 29, 2018 14:09:17

Front view of Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute. Source: Wikipedia

Close linkage between industry and institute can be the vital means of boosting publicity, quality and expansion in technical education besides industrial development.

All concerned should come forward and work together to establish cordial and close relations between the two sectors for their mutual interests. The observation came at a seminar titled "Strengthening Industry Institute Linkage" in Rajshahi city on Saturday.

Rajshahi Polytechnic Institute (RPI) organised the seminar at its conference hall.

Secretary to Technical and Madrasa Education division under the Ministry of Education Md Alamgir addressed the seminar as chief guest with RPI Principal Engineer Farid Uddin in the chair.

Director general of Technical Education Directorate Ashok Kumar Biswash, chairman of Technical Education Board Prof Mustafizur Rahman and director of Strengthening Technical Education Project ABM Azad also spoke.

Principal of Bogra Polytechnic Institute Shahadat Hossain and Curriculum Expert Shah Alam Mazumder presented keynote papers on the issue.

Md Alamgir said expanded technical education could be effective means of building competent and skilled human resources and its role is very vital for taking the nation forward successfully.

The role of skilled people is also very important for earning more foreign remittance which is significant for country's development.

He said more expansion of technical education among students has become an urgent need for attaining the sustainable development goals (SDGs), reports BSS.

Industrialists and other entrepreneurs should come forward with a positive mentality for employment generation.

There should be linkage between the technical and vocational institutes and industries so that the graduate people can get job on priority basis.

Alamgir said the graduate people should seize every opportunity offered by the government in this regard.

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