Rajshahi Youths launch education campaign for slum children

FE Team | Published: November 29, 2018 11:52:25 | Updated: December 02, 2018 18:24:53

Education campaign for Rajshahi slum children

A youth organisation has launched education inspiration campaign for the underprivileged slum children in Rajshahi city which aims mainstreaming them through institutional learning.

The youth organisation comprising more than 90 students of various higher seats of learning named “Bangladesh Innovative Education Society (BIES)” launched the time-fitting education campaign at Namo Bhadra area on Wednesday setting a target of bringing all the slum children under the campaign.

Bangladesh Resource Centre for Indigenous Knowledge (BARCIK) and Youth Action for Social Change (YASC) supported the effort.

In leisure time, they will conduct the campaign four days in a week for making the children school-oriented through expert counselling, drawing and edutainment.

“We have initiated the campaign in order to educate the disadvantaged children through edutainment,” said Joinul Abedeen, President of BIES.

He urged the government and the affluent people in society to come forward for the welfare of underprivileged children, reports BSS.

In the preliminary stage, the youths conducted a baseline survey relating to the problems being faced by the children. They also shared views with parents of the children highlighting the importance of education.

BARCIK Regional Coordinator Shahidul Islam, BIES Vice-president SMR Rokan, president of Barind Education Cultural Diversity Protection Centre Zawad Ahmed Rafi and YASC President Shamiul Alim Saon also spoke on the occasion.

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