Professional share mental health insights with students

Imrul Hasan | Published: July 01, 2021 22:07:55 | Updated: July 05, 2021 22:08:33

Professional share mental health insights with students

YOUTH 360 and Chittagong University Career Club (CUCC) organised 'Attokothon,' a mental health session, to aid youths in getting rid of mental stress. The session held on June 25, 2021, featured Ayesha Siddiqa- a psychiatrist.

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Mental health is the mental, behavioural and emotional aspect. It is essential to have a sound mind because the mind is an integral part of the body. However, most of the time, people do not pay attention to mental health. The pandemic is affecting people mentally throughout the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this epidemic situation has affected the mental health of people of all ages.

However, teenagers and young women are victims of RA (Rheumatoid arthritis). Since March last year, educational institutions have been closed to deal with the corona situation. As a result, mental stress has peaked in this period of time. Students are being surrounded by all sorts of negative emotions and catching mental illnesses such as depression, general angina, and many more. For all these concerning issues, Youth 360 arranged the event.

SM Shahriar Alam, president of Chittagong University Career Club, said, "Mental health is as important as our physical health. In addition, the pandemic situation has shown us how we need to raise awareness about mental health more than ever.”

On the other hand, MAH Rafsan Jani, founder of Youth 360, shared, "During the pandemic situation, our life has been changed. And the problem affects our young minds primarily as our educational institutions are closed. So Youth 360 decided to support the youth mentally and arranged the session with the help of CUCC.”

The writer, Mohammed Imrul Hasan, is a third-year student of the Department of Banking and Insurance, University of Chittagong.



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