President for running after knowledge, not GPA 5

FE Team | Published: June 12, 2019 17:26:28 | Updated: June 13, 2019 11:41:35

President for running after knowledge, not GPA 5

President Abdul Hamid on Wednesday urged the guardians not to impose anything on their children and force them to engage in unhealthy competition as it hinders their natural development .

"Don't push your children into bad competition. Don't run after GPA-5 or Golden GPA. Give them opportunity to learn from nature and build them up as human beings with human values. You will see that they will become invaluable resources for the nation."

The President said this while addressing the closing ceremony of the national children competition 2019 organised by Bangladesh Shishu Academy at its campus.

The President also urged the children to practice patriotism being imbued with the spirit of the Liberation War and independence.

"The birth centenary of Bangabandhu will be celebrated in the year 2020 with due respect. You will be a partner in celebrating the birth centenary. You will know about Bangabandhu. In particular, you will know about his principles, ideologies, leadership qualities, and reflect those in your own lives," he said.

"Bangabandhu did not just bring us freedom. In order to spread the benefits of independence among common people, regardless of religion and caste, he took all steps to create a hunger and poverty-free prosperous country. But the anti-liberation force tried to stop it by killing him," he added.

The country is on the track of prosperity and progress, he said adding "You (children) have to take part in the journey of progress. You must prepare yourselves as qualified partner."

Emphasizing on learning to love the country and never compromise with wrong and untrue. "If you follow the path of truth, fair and just, then you will become successful in your life," the President said.

Women and Children Affairs secretary Kamrun Nahar presided over the prize giving ceremony while chairman of parliamentary standing committee on Women and Children Affairs Ministry Meher Afroz Chumki, writer Selina Hossain, director of the Academy Anjir Liton were present at the ceremony, reports UNB.

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