Passion helps Bangladeshi debaters make mark across world

Shaha Rakesh Nishan | Published: January 18, 2018 00:48:13 | Updated: January 19, 2018 15:45:41

Passion helps Bangladeshi debaters make mark across world

From breaking at WSDC (World Schools Debating Championships) for the first time in 2006 to reaching the Open Quarterfinal at a WUDC (World Universities Debating Championship) event early this year, the Bangladeshi debaters have come a long way. There were constant hurdles in the way. Starting from lack of proper infrastructures (which has improved to a great extent in the last years) to fund raising, the debaters had to deal with different kinds of obstacles to get to the main stages. However, it was their passion and dedication that helped them earn accolades and achieve greater things each time for their country.

Recently, a team from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Dhaka University (consisting of Sourodip Paul and Sajid Khandaker) achieved the best result from South Asia by reaching the Open Quarterfinal at WUDC held in Mexico. Achievements like this will surely motivate others to work harder and represent their country in the global stages. The debating clubs of educational institutes at all levels are arranging debate competitions at regular intervals that are playing a crucial role in developing the debaters.

The achievements of Bangladeshi debaters can be outlined  through the  infographic. Special thanks to the Bangladesh Debating Council (BDC) and  Adel Mostaque Ahmed, assistant manager-Business Development, I-Venture Limited and co-founder, ChanGen for helping in developing this infographic.

The writer is a final year student of BBA programme at Institute of Business Administration (IBA), University of Dhaka. He can be reached at

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