Leadership summit for youths

Youth Express Desk | Published: May 27, 2021 15:14:44 | Updated: May 27, 2021 15:37:49

Leadership summit for youths

Bangladesh Youth Leadership Center (BYLC) will host a four-day-long 'Youth Leadership Summit'from August 04 to 07. The summit aims to mobilise youths to take a step forward in building a country that provides equitable opportunities for all its citizens, not just the privileged few.

As Bangladesh celebrates the golden jubilee of independence along with LDC graduation, Imran Chowdhury, senior manager of operations at BYLC, believes the country needs inclusivity for sustainable development.

"However, to prepare for the transition and ensure an inclusive sustainable development harnessing the demographic dividend of our country, we need to empower the youth and ensure inclusiveness and equality in society," said the senior official.

The virtual summit, supported by Manusher Jonno Foundation (MJF), and UK aid, will bring together 400 youths, competitively selected from all over Bangladesh. Participants will have the opportunity to network, learn, and practice adaptive leadership and 21st-century life skills, and design initiatives that can help create an inclusive Bangladesh in terms of equal rights and access to healthcare, education, skills development, and working with peers.

Speakers at the summit will facilitate an intergenerational dialogue on issues and challenges that limit youth's equitable participation in public, private, and civil sectors. The event will consist of plenaries and workshops featuring industry experts and policymakers. This year, delegates will be listening to the voices of marginalised youths and crafting solutions together to achieve inclusivity in terms of opportunities to work, exercising equal rights, access to better health, livelihood, education, and skills development within society.

BYLC will be accepting applications for the summit until June 12, 2021. To learn more and apply, readers mayvisit https://bylc.org/yls2021/.

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