JU authorities catch four for using proxy in admission test

FE Team | Published: November 12, 2017 22:38:01 | Updated: November 14, 2017 16:33:51

JU authorities catch four for using proxy

Jahangirnagar University (JU) authorities on Sunday caught four admission seekers for using proxies to sit for their exams and securing the top merit list in the entry test for the 2017-18 academic sessions.

The university authorities found out when they checked the handwritings of the examinees as per law during viva-voce, and their handwriting failed to match those in the answer scripts submitted in their name in the written test.

The detainees were identified as Mahbub Hossaain of Bagura, Ashikul Hasa Rabin of Kushtia, Emam Hossain of Mymensingh and Amit Hasan of Dhaka district, says a report on UNB.

Emam Hossain secured 3rd position and Ashikul Hasa Rabin secured 16th position respectively in the merit list of Law and Justice faculty while Amit Hasan secured 11th position in the merit list of Institute of Information Technology and Mahbub Hossaain secured 3rd position in the merit list of Business Studies faculty.

Although Ashikul Hasa Rabin denied the allegation, three others confessed to Tapan Kumar Saha, proctor of the university, that they did indeed hire proxies to sit the examination in their place.

They also gave a written confessional statement to the proctor.

In his statement said Amit said he contracted with Sonet for a payment of Tk 600,000, a student attached with Sir A F Rahman Hall of Dhaka University, to arrange proxy for him. The other two also admitted paying between Tk 300,000-600,000 for proxies to sit their exam.

Proctor Tapan Kumar Saha said, "After interrogation, we confirmed that they secured the position in different units by using proxies and we handed over them to Ashulia police station."

A case was filed at the Ashulia Police Station in this connection.

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