Jamuna Bank participates Mujib birth centenary online quiz contest ceremony

FE Team | Published: November 11, 2020 21:34:12 | Updated: November 11, 2020 22:28:39

Jamuna Bank participates Mujib birth centenary online quiz contest ceremony

Jamuna Bank participated in Mujib 100 Years Online Quiz Competition-2020 prize giving ceremony which was organised by International Standard University recently, says a press release.

 The event was held in the university auditorium.

The prize giving ceremony was presided over by the  Vice Chancellor of the university  Dr Abdul Awal Khan.

University Treasurer (Acting) HTM Kader Newaz and Deputy Managing Director of Jamuna Bank Md Abdus Salam were present at the ceremony.

Among others, higher officials of both Jamuna Bank and International Standard University were also present on the joyous occasion.

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