East West University launches first ever agro-branding competition

FE Team | Published: November 17, 2017 19:36:14 | Updated: November 18, 2017 15:55:32

East West University launches first ever agro-branding competition

The EWU Agro Industrialization Club (EWUAIC) of the East West University (EWU) launched first ever agro-branding competition in the city recently.

The competition, titled ‘EWU MARQUE PREY-EMP’17’, serves as a platform for the country's undergraduate students to show their creativity and come up with innovative ways to promote traditional products.

The 'EWU MARQUE PREY-EMP’17' is a three-round competition.

The first round is online case submission.

In the second round, the participants have to create a brief marketing plan.

And in the final round the participants have to launch an agro based brand and present it.

The first round took place on November 11 where students had to solve an agro-based case. The participants were given 22 hours to solve the case.

EWUAIC General Secretary Kazi Rayhan Kabir said, “We are encouraging them to construct a strong and unique identity for our agriculture and ensure a prestigious position in consumers mind.”

The result of the first round was published on November 16.

The second round is scheduled to take place on November 21.

The final round will take place on November 28, 2017 at EWU premises, where the winner of the competition will be announced.

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