BIDA, Canadian University of Bangladesh celebrate 50 years of Canada-Bangladesh relations

FE Team | Published: March 23, 2022 22:17:51 | Updated: March 24, 2022 00:02:08

BIDA, Canadian University of Bangladesh celebrate 50 years of Canada-Bangladesh relations

Canadian University of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Investment Development Authority have jointly organised a discussion programme on “Canada-Bangladesh Diplomatic Friendship: A Journey of Fifty Years" on Wednesday in the university's auditorium to mark the 50th anniversary of Canada-Bangladesh friendship.

Canadian High Commissioner to Bangladesh, Lilly Nicholls was the guest of honour and keynote speaker, according to a press release.

The chief guest on the occasion was Salman F Rahman, MP, adviser to the prime minister of Bangladesh on Private Industry and Investment and member of the Board of Governors of Bangladesh Investment and Development Authority.

Deputy Minister for Education Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury was present as the special guest.

The ceremony was presided over by the founder of the Canadian University of Bangladesh and chairman of the board of trustees, Dr Chowdhury Nafeez Sarafat.

High Commissioner of Canada to Bangladesh Lilly Nicholls said, “Bangladesh is a role model for the whole world. By alleviating poverty in the past 40 years, decreasing mortality rate and increasing life expectancy, Bangladesh has set an example. However, let's not forget, there are many more challenges to overcome, namely- gender inequality, polarisation and the tendency of the youth to feel isolated and excluded from society. In the past, Canada has always extended a hand of cooperation to Bangladesh and will continue to do so in the future as well to tackle these challenges.”

The chief guest of the event Salman F Rahman said, “Bangladesh has come so far today due to political stability. The top three success stories of Bangladesh are- agricultural success, 100 per cent electrification and digitalization.”

Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury in his speech emphasised vocational training and applied knowledge. He inspired students to prepare themselves for a future in a competitive work environment by training in more than one subject.

Dr Chowdhury Nafeez Sarafat commented, “Canadian University of Bangladesh has been conducting education, research and various cultural activities with the support of Canadian High Commission from the very beginning and this relationship will continue in the future too. We are proud that the High Commissioner of Canada has given her first public speech at our university after her appointment in Bangladesh. We are especially grateful to her and hope that Canadian University of Bangladesh will move forward on the basis of friendly cooperation between Canada and Bangladesh.”

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