Bangladeshis joining top US universities as students

Rassiq Aziz Kabir | Published: April 07, 2022 00:07:39 | Updated: April 13, 2022 21:41:44

Bangladeshis joining top US universities as students

In the last few years, the percentage of Bangladeshi students in the top undergraduate universities of the United States such as MIT, Princeton, Harvard etc. has been increasing exponentially. With easy access to information as well as growing awareness among students, more and more people are going to the top universities of the United States to pursue their undergraduate degrees. With the results of most of the US universities being published, we will be hearing from Tasnim Zulfqar, Tamhidul Islam, Shabab Tashrif Zaman and Tashrique Ahmed -- four Bangladeshi students who respectively got admission opportunities into MIT, Dartmouth College, Princeton University and Williams College this year.
Making the MIT dream come true
Tasnim Zulfiqar is a Bangladeshi undergraduate student who is going to arguably the best institution for science and engineering, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Talking to the writer about how she got to know about the institution and how she took baby steps towards her ultimate goal, she said, "I first heard about MIT from reading about Sal Khan in the newspaper when I was very young, but it became relevant when I came across MIT admissions blogs at the time I started class 10. Those posts from MIT students drew me to the people at MIT.”
“I don't think I followed a 'this will get me into MIT plan'. The admissions blogs emphasised 'applying sideways' and I am a strong believer in that. I was pretty okay at biology, so in class 10, I decided to try my hand at the Biology Olympiad. I was fortunate enough to make it to the national camp, which I think was fundamental to me feeling like MIT was a place I wanted to go to.
As for ECAs (extra-curricular activities, I first participated in the International Biology Olympiad in 2020 and won an Award of Excellence in the International Group Project. In 2021, I won a Bronze Medal. I also completed an internship at the Institute for Developing Science and Health Initiatives (IDSHI), a biomedical research institute. I also talked about tutoring and mentorship in my application."
When it comes to advising future applicants, Tasnim said, "I recommend browsing around the MIT admissions blogs. It has all the application advice you need, as well as a very realistic portrayal of life at MIT, so while you prepare yourself to apply, you can also get an idea of whether it's the right place for you."
Speaking of her future plan, Tasnim told the writer, "I'm not entirely set on what I want to do in the future, but I'm thinking of majoring in Biology or Brain and Cognitive Sciences. I may build a career in research and teaching."
Future economist at Dartmouth
Tamhidul Islam is a Bangladeshi high-school student who got into the prestigious Ivy League School Dartmouth College's Class of 2026 with a full ride. He applied to Dartmouth's Early Decision option while in his junior year and got accepted last December. Talking with the writer about his journey Tamhid said,"The first time when I became aware of the undergraduate admission procedure in the United States was when I was in fifth grade. I came to learn about the top universities of the United States from my father and gradually I developed the urge to study in some of the best institutions of the world, the inspiration fuelled by my father."
"I got enrolled into Dhaka Residential Model College in seventh grade, primarily because I thought the flexible culture here would satisfy my thirst for extracurricular involvement. Over time, my father's guidance and my mother's continuous encouragement reaffirmed my chase. I started with debating in Eighth grade and soon got involved in other extracurricular activities."
“Working on my projects while my mom patiently fed me, joint ventures with my sister in finding the perfect word in some essay part, or hours of discussions with my dad- are the true core to whatever I have been blessed with today."
Asked about his future plans, Tamhid commented, "In all my entanglements, I developed an unparalleled connection with Economics and this is something I want to pursue at the undergraduate level. I would keep searching for an interdisciplinary approach between Economics and Public Policy in hopes of bringing a new dimension of social mobility in Bangladesh."
Earning entry to Princeton
Shabab Tashrif Zaman, a Bangladeshi student currently studying at Scholastica School, will be going to Princeton University. He told the writer, "While the journey officially commenced on August 01, 2021, actually it had begun the first day I stepped into Grade 9. I had the dream of going to an Ivy League Institution from then and prepared myself both academically and in extracurricular activities."
Shabab’s article on delineating the importance of Covid-19 vaccine subsidisation was published in the Financial Express in 2020.
"Gradually, I got involved in more scientific research-based activities," Shabab added. "I became the vice-president of my school's Mathematics Club and secretary of my school's Science Club and co-founded the school's Amnesty Human Rights Club."
Opening up about what it was like on the day of the results, Shabab said, "Everything boils down to a 10-page application that reached the US universities. With this in heart, on April 01, I checked decisions from all of my dream colleges. Initial disappointments washed away my hope, until suddenly when I clicked on that 'status update' button in my Princeton portal and a tiger's face appeared. I was elated and had to wake my family up to be a part of the celebration at 7:00 in the morning."
"My teachers and my friends have played a huge role in my journey. But most importantly, I am thankful to my family for being my pillar of moral support. As I move on to one of the top universities in the world and realise my dream, I wish to uphold my culture and represent my beautiful nation."
From Sylhet to Williams College
Tashrique Ahmed, an HSC candidate from Jalalabad Cantonment Public School and College, Sylhet has got admission opportunity into the prestigious Williams College for the class of 2026 with $76,000 per year of financial aid that includes all of his direct and indirect costs.
Speaking of his journey, Tashrique told the writer, "I am passionate about robotics and computers. I achieved three bronze medals in the 'International Robot Olympiad 2019 and 2020 held in Thailand and South Korea respectively. I was also the National Champion in 'Bangladesh Robot Olympiad 2020'.
I never had the idea of studying abroad before joining a Facebook group named 'Bangladeshis Beyond Border' in February 2021. With the encouragement and support from my family, I started planning for it from then on. Unfortunately, my father passed away in May 2021 which made me very depressed and I was hopeless about my future. But with the immense support from my mother, I got back and prepared for facing it."
Tashrique has a clear future plan, he said, "After graduating from Williams, I intend to pursue a career in Robotics and Neuroscience. I am determined to use my love and drive for computers to build a bridge between machines and humans."

The writer studies Economics at the University of Dhaka.

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