Adopt latest technologies for quality education: Academics

FE Team | Published: December 09, 2018 13:21:30 | Updated: December 11, 2018 10:47:40

Photo: Collected

Academicians at a function in Rangpur have stressed adoption of the latest information and communication technologies to ensure quality in higher education, training and research activities.

They expressed the opinion at launching function of Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) office, its website and publishing monthly bulletin at Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur (BRUR) campus on Saturday night, according to a press release.

Vice-chancellor of the university Professor Dr Nazmul Ahsan Kalimullah inaugurated the new IQAC office and its website, published the bulletin and addressed a discussion arranged on the occasion as the chief guest.

Presided over by director of IQAC at BRUR Professor Dr Nazmul Haque, Controller of Examinations of BRUR Professor Md Morshed Hossain attended the function as special guest, reports BSS.

Associate professor of the Department of Marketing Md Ferdous Rahman, general secretary of Begum Rokeya University Teachers’ Association Tabiur Rahman Prodhan, head of the Department of Chemistry HM Tarikul Islam, additional director of Planning, Development and Works of BRUR DR ATGM Golam Feroz, among others, were present.

The speakers called upon teachers, researchers, students and officials of the university to avail facilities at IQAC office to ensure quality of education, training and research for producing worthy citizens in turning Bangladesh into a developed country.

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