A vision to support life

Durdana Anika | Published: October 07, 2020 22:50:59 | Updated: October 07, 2020 22:56:12

A vision to support life

A famous saying goes by, "Help someone not for the reward, but for the sake of changing a life." These humanitarian words inspired some truly motivated youth organisations like KUET Career Club, CADers and EEE Makers Hub to affiliate together to organise an wonderful event named 'Horizon: A vision to support life'.

KUET Career Club is a career-oriented club of Khulna University of Engineering and Technology with motives to help engineers become more career conscious. CADers, on the other hand, is an intra-curricular club of KUET with the aim of familiarising undergraduate students with computer aided designing and software. EEE Makers Hub is an inter-faculty technical club with the motive to help students to achieve some specific skill sets. There is a common characteristic present within all these organisations which is youthfulness. Their enthusiasm-- driven by raw humane emotion-- led them to unite and do something, something that could really support some lives.

The year 2020 has become a bane because of covid-19. Amidst this already disruptive pandemic, many parts of Bangladesh have experienced a massive flood this year due to the heavy rainfall and soil erosion, which has devastated the lives of countless numbers of people. Almost a million homes are damaged, more than 1,500 square kilometres of farmland across the country are under water. According to the United Nations, Bangladesh has been facing one of the most severe floods in its history. The UN has predicted that this flood could be the most prolonged one after 1988. The coastal areas of Bangladesh have been submerged for months now due to floods. As a result, the people of that region have lost their homes, exposed to food and medication crises, and are living a miserable life without getting enough relief.

Hence, the purpose of this online based competition event is to extend a helping hand and draw smiles on the faces of the necessitous sufferers. Since it is a fundraising event, the whole amount collected from the competition will be donated to TRY-- a social service club of KUET for the sake of flood-affected people. TRY is a non-profit voluntary organisation of students of KUET which collects funds to help the needy people. The competition is online based and categorised into three segments namely CAD Wizard, Spot the Case and MATLAB Mania. Important live sessions were  conducted from September 26 to October 01.

The organisers believe that the event will be able to catch people's attention and motivate many to join this endeavour of fulfilling humane responsibility.

The writer is a third year student of Biomedical Engineering at KUET. She can be reached at nurendurdana19@gmail.com

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