Case for young entrepreneurs

FE Team | Published: December 12, 2021 22:09:57 | Updated: December 14, 2021 22:01:58

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The Prime Minister has recently touched upon a vital point related to the youths' career on completion of their education. She called upon them to take to entrepreneurship instead of traditional office employment. The PM was speaking virtually at the opening of the week-long National SME Fair 2021 in the city on Dec 5. Already visible is a recent trend of a section of educated male and female youths engaging themselves in innovative entrepreneurship. Almost all of them have attained success, especially in the rural areas. They are now fully self-reliant, besides making significant contribution to the village economy. Many of them have turned employers.

A situation conducive to youth entrepreneurship has long been in place in the country. In the recent time, energetic and enterprising youths' ventures continue to attract the attention of the national-level development experts. The great stir made by the successful young entrepreneurs has prompted the government to take many initiatives supporting their entrepreneurships. They come in the forms of technical education and vocational training imparted to the youths having a knack for entrepreneurship. Breaking with the sluggish enterprise-based activities, the young entrepreneurs are now veritable workaholics. To expedite their production and market the agro- and other products, they have turned en masse to the opportunities online. Due to the irregularities in the supply of electricity and internet connections, many others remain manual and stuck to the conventional offline facilities. These technical drawbacks warrant them to pour in excessive physical labour and brainwork. So, helping them overcome these obstacles has emerged as an imperative.

The educated youths fanning out to the various types of entrepreneurial sectors is set to benefit both themselves and the nation. The age of youth is one of innovative and fertile ideas. In the inevitable phases of trials and tribulations, the committed and undaunted youths do not fail to taste the otherwise elusive success. The extensively thought-out and pragmatic start-ups hardly end in failures. Thanks to their advantageous position due to their academic back-up, urban youths hardly feel disillusioned. Moreover, finding a situation conducive to their growth instills confidence in them. Be it fish ponds, poultry, dairy farms or orchards of exotic fruits or vegetables, many of these small-scale agricultural activities have made youths stand out with their unique business acumen. On the other hand, the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) attract many others gifted with the genius and skill of manufacturing. The activities of these graduate or post-graduate youths have led to the setting up of many SME units in both villages and cities. Thanks to the activities of these enterprises being located indoors, it is mostly women who are found in their driving seat.

The government wants to see continually increasing the number of SMEs across the country. In order to meet this goal, the authorities have made all types of measures to present entrepreneurship as a decent and easy livelihood option before youths. The Prime Minister has said the government has kept arrangements for female entrepreneurs in the special economic zones having entrepreneurial facilities. These words of encouragement will surely serve as a great fillip to the growth of women entrepreneurs. In reality, the emergence of young educated entrepreneurs has already started in the country. It is fast changing the 21st century employment scenario.

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