Women’s Public Leadership Network Fellowship is accepting applications
FE Online | Thursday, 23 June 2022

The Women's Public Leadership Network (WPLN) Fellowship encourages aspiring women public leaders across the US in building leadership skills and network with fellow female leaders.
Host University: United States of America
Name of the Fellowship: Women's Public Leadership Network (WPLN) Fellowship
Number of Awards: Not specified
- Expand your professional network.
- Meet women leaders nationally and in your home state.
- Build professional skills in both the political and non-profit realms.
- Receive professional mentorship from WPLN State Partner Executive Director and WPLN staff
- Virtual Brown bag lunches 2x a semester to build your professional skills and networks.
- Attend the WPLN Fellowship kickoff in Washington, D.C. with a tour of the capitol and opportunities to meet with women leaders (expenses covered by WPLN).
- Attend WPLN’s annual National Summit (location TBD) with Fellowship Graduation ceremony, with a special lunch and certificate upon completion (expenses covered by WPLN).
- If your academic institution can provide credit for the internship we can work with you to facilitate that process.
- Applicants must be enrolled in an institution of higher education at the AA, BA or graduate level. Ideal candidates will have a passion for increasing women’s representation in public office, especially those who identify as centre- and right-leaning in their political ideology and want to strengthen their knowledge and skills in the nonprofit sector.
Check the application link for full details.
Application Deadline: 30 June 2022
Application Link:
Interested applicants can check this link for details - https://cutt.ly/AKxXZ5x