
Protecting the jobseekers' rights

Monday, 25 September 2017

THE Bankers' Selection Committee came as a blessing for those seeking employment in banks. Bangladesh Bank has been handling their recruitment process fairly admirably and without corruption for many years. All the job applicants have positive comments about Bankers' Selection Committee of Bangladesh Bank which has set an example for fair and impartial recruitment process. But it is a matter of great concern that the central bank could not exhibit a similar bent of mind in cases of recruitment by other banks. At present the number of applicants is higher than any time in the past because of free application facility. So the Bankers' Selection Committee has to hold employment tests in almost all schools and colleges of the city. It is difficult to exercise strict monitoring in this huge number of examination centres as a result of which corruption is creeping in. Especially in the examinations held at colleges under the National University located in Dhaka, there are reports of widespread malpractices. The applicants regularly resort to adopting unfair means by using political connections. Other irregularities like seeking help from outside sources through mobile phones are rampant. The latest example in this respect was set by Bangladesh Krishi Bank's written test held on September 15, when candidates lodged a series of complaints like question paper leakage, taking help from outside through mobile phones and continuing beyond the time schedule for the test. I feel concerned at these undesirable incidents and according to me the following initiatives should be taken to ensure that deserving candidates are selected through the recruitment process:

  1. All electronic devices like mobile phones should be banned in the examination halls and examinees should be thoroughly checked before being allowed to enter the hall.
  2. Such examinations should be held only on weekly holidays or during a vacation.
  3. At least two invigilators should be engaged to oversee the examination process in an examination hall.
  4. Prompt action should be taken against any complaint received.

We hope that the Bankers' Selection Committee will take prompt action to prevent unfair means and irregularities and ensure a congenial atmosphere for recruitment tests for banks. 

Elias Roktim

Khilgaon, Dhaka-1219
