
Prestigious fellowship opportunity for journalists

FE Online | Monday, 31 January 2022

The McGraw Center commissions in-depth stories on serious economic and business topics through the McGraw Fellowships in Business Journalism. The Fellowships provide experienced journalists with a stipend of $5,000 a month for up to three months to produce a distinguished piece of investigative, analytic or narrative business journalism. We publish the stories in partnership with established media outlets. The stories also run on the McGraw Center website.

Another key goal is to promote the development of future business journalists. The McGraw Center funds scholarships for students at the Newmark J-School who concentrate on business reporting; we also provide stipends for those who undertake summer internships in business news.

Host Country: The United States

Host University: McGraw Center for Business Journalism

Nationality: All nationalities 

Number of Awards: Not specified

Degree Level: Professionals


  • The Fellowship provides a grant of up to $15,000 for each project. 
  • The exact amount will depend on the time it takes to complete the project and the expenses needed. 
  • Freelance journalists may use some of the funding as a stipend for living expenses during the Fellowship. 


  • The McGraw Fellowship for Business Journalism is open to anyone with at least five years of professional experience in journalism. 
  • Freelance journalists, as well as reporters and editors currently working at a news organization or a journalism non-profit, may apply.

Application Procedure

  • Applicants should submit a well-focused story proposal of no more than three pages through the accompanying form link given in the section below.
  • Think of it as pitch, much like you would submit to an editor at a newspaper, magazine, audio or digital outlet: give us enough preliminary reporting and documentation to demonstrate that the story is solid. 
  • The proposal should highlight what’s new and significant about the story, why it matters and what its potential impact might be. 
  • The proposal should also note where significant stories on the subject have run elsewhere and how the proposed piece would differ. 
  • Applicants should also briefly outline a proposed reporting plan and a timeline for completing the story. 
  • And while you don’t need to have a media outlet lined up for your story before you apply, if you do have one, let us know that in your proposal.
  • In addition, applicants should enclose three journalism samples. The samples should be professionally published work that showcases your ability to tackle an in-depth story in the proposed medium. 
  • Please also provide us with an up-to-date resume.  
  • No references are required at the time of application, but those who are chosen as finalists will be asked to provide references from two editors or others familiar with their work. 
  • Freelance applicants for whom getting references is a problem can discuss alternatives with the McGraw Center.

Application Link

Interested applicants can apply through this link: https://cutt.ly/qOk81t0

Application Deadline: 

  • The deadline to apply for Spring 2022 Fellowships is March 31, 2022. 
  • Applications for the Fall 2022 Fellowships will be due September 30, 2022
  • We will also consider time-sensitive projects on a case-by-case basis outside of the deadline periods. If you have a project that might qualify, please contact us at mcgrawcenter@journalism.cuny.edu.


Further Information